Gathering Blue Project Mrs. Cera
What do I need? A minimum of ten (10 ) slides A cover slide with topic, your name, class period, and date Three (3) academic sources used in presentation Five (5) documented quotes or paraphrases. One slide that connects your topic to Gathering Blue. One slide for your works cited/Bibliography
Some Extra Tips Your presentation should state your research topic. This could be your research question. Your writing should be clear and concise. Use transitions between thoughts when needed. Use EasyBib to get your citations for your Works Cited page. Title your Works Cited page as Works Cited centered in the middle of the line. Edit your Power Point before turning it in, or presenting it.
Works Cited Citations should be alphabetized by the first word in the citation. Copy and paste the format from Easy Bib. All sources should be used in your presentation.
How to correctly document. If you are using a direct quote, it has to be word for word as in your text and has to start and end with quotation marks. Paraphrases do not go in quotes, but you must cite them at the end of the sentence. You must list the author’s last name and page number after the quote or paraphrase. Example : Originally, people with polio were removed , or quarantined, from other people, so the disease would not spread (Smith 7). (This is a paraphrase and the author’s last name is Smith)
How to save your document! Save your document under your number or on Office 365, if you have set up your account, until it is done. Afterwards, save your presentation to a flash drive. If you do not have a flash drive YET, ask me to help. But, do not wait until the last few minutes of class.