A way to rank your lean canvasses (top 1-3 customer segments you believe are the most viable) is to look at the business model risks. In this guide you find a brief instruction how to do this. Combined with the risk assessment and the distinction between the facts (proof) and assumption list (done in the previous section) you are able to make a balanced consideration. Th e output will be collected in the table in slide 4, guiding question in slide 3 will help you filling in the table But before you are going to actually execute the risk evaluation, we have added a brief summary of the three product categories from the lean canvas risk reader: Product risk: “ getting the product right” Make sure you have a problem worth solving Define your MVP Customer risk: “building a path to customers” First identify who has the pain, Who are early adopters Market risk: “ building a viable business” Identify competition Set a pricing and test pricing at early adopters The next slide shows an overview of the he three category risks in the lean canvas:
Attachement: SDtM lean canvas: risks per category (P = product, C=customer, M= market) Probleem P 2 . Klantsegment C 3. Unique value proposition 4. Solution 5. Kanalen 6. Inkomsten stroom M 7. Kosten structuur 8. Gevalideerd leren 9. Unfair advantage PRODUCT MARKT
Rank your lean canvas = rank per customer segment Think of these guiding questions (per universal category risk P, M, or C) to rank your customer segments (and corresponding lean canvas business models), use these Qs to fill in the table on slide 4. Box 1: customer pain level (problem) Prioritize customer segments that you believe will need your product the most, the goal is to have 1-3 top problems as must-haves for them Box 5: ease of reach (channels) If you have an easier path to one type of customer segment take that into consideration, rank accordingly. Perhaps also decision making process (=buying process) is easy/difficult in this segment Boxes 6 and 7: price/gross margin At this stage it can be hard to have a good guess but try to rank each customer segment ‘High’ : you assume this segment is most likely to generate highest margin and ‘ Low’, whether you believe the margins are the lowest, alternatively you can also assess if you believe it is more easy to create a monetization model for a particular customer segment Box 2: market size (customer segments) Pick a customer segment that represents a big enough market given your goals for your business. Do you already know early adopters? Box 4: technical feasibility (solution) Do you assess your solution is feasible? Do you have the minimum feature set ready? Do you know what parties can support you in producing and assessing the technology for scale up? Is it existing technology to produce your prototype? Please add others risks you have identified for your case that are not addressed in the list above, think e.g. of competition (unfair advantage)
1 P 5 C 6&7 M 2 4 3 8 9 Box lean canvas Risk category the risk in your lean canvas Please copy your statement from the lean canvas below Rank per customer segment (Low to High risk) Motivate Check the table facts & assumptions as well 1 P customer pain level (top 3 problems) are per segment? Segment A Segment C Segment B etc Assumption made based on xxx Facts to support it: 5 C ease of reach (channels) Segment B 6&7 M price/gross margin 2 market size (customer segments), do you know early adopters? Etc per segment 4 technical feasibility (solution), 3 Which VP is the weakest and why? 8 Not relevant yet (is for validation testing in phase 2) 9 Is it easy to copy? What makes your business model strong?
Final step: Make a proposal for the mentor challenge session (ranking top 1-3 customer segments) you believe is the best based on the risk evaluation and fact/assumption evaluation as well Add motivation for your ranking Add questions