All-cause mortality by treatment group Kaplan-Meier curves by treatment group for all-cause mortality of participants with hospitalized heart failure adjusted for baseline characteristics of age, race, gender, smoking, education, treatment of hypertension, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, pulse, type II diabetes, left ventricular hypertrophy by ECG, history of coronary heart disease, body mass index, estimated glomerular filtration rate, and time to heart failure. Approximately 92% of participants with hospitalized (including hospitalized fatal) heart failure events during ALLHAT were part of the Heart Failure Validation Study (HFVS). This figure reflects only those participants with events meeting the ALLHAT HF definition in the HFVS17,18 and eligible for extension. Long-Term Follow-Up of Participants With Heart Failure in the Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT). Piller L et al., Circulation. 2011;124:1811-1818