In God’s family, we grow and learn, in love, hope and faith. Loving minds Hearts Hands. In God’s family, we grow and learn, in love, hope and faith.
Mrs Quayle-Sutcliffe – Class Teacher Miss Hurley– Teaching Assistant Mr Bennett – Teaching Assistant Staff
Attendance All children must be in school everyday. Their percentage attendance must be 95% but we are aiming higher. Children miss lots of learning everyday if they are not in school. Every day really does count.
Punctuality School starts at 8.45am everyday. If children are later than this, they miss out on valuable teaching and learning time and it will then take them longer to settle during the day. If your child is just 5 minutes late everyday, they lose three full teaching days over the year!
What will we be learning? Our main topic this term is Welcome. We will be doing lots of work on welcoming our new children and talking about ourselves as gifts. We will be spending lots of time in the new environment, settling in and learning the routines and expectations.
What can you do at home? Read stories with your child. Creative activities such as painting, playdough, cutting and sticking, and perhaps den building! Construction and imaginative play involving lots of sharing, taking turns and talking.
Lunches Each child eats a school dinner in the school hall. Now we have the new kitchen, the children receive nutritious food cooked on the premises. There is lots of choice and children are guided to make the choice of what they want.
Uniform Children must wear the correct school uniform everyday. The new school uniform is available from the school office. A few suggestions to help your child: Short sleeve shirts Elasticated trousers Velcro shoes Please remember that no jewellery is to be worn, including stud earrings. Please make sure all uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name and if possible their year group (Particularly school jumpers and coats)
Wellies Please also send in a raincoat and wellies to be kept in school so children can access outdoor provision.