Mark 16:1-2 When the Sabbath was past, on the first day of the week, who came with Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James to the tomb to anoint Jesus? Mary the wife of Clopas Bernice Salome 1
Mary the mother of James Mary Magdalene Mark 16:9 When He (Jesus) rose early on the first day of the week, to whom did he appear first? Mary the wife of Clopas Mary the mother of James Mary Magdalene 2
With bright white clothes Transfigured Mark 16:12 How did Jesus appear to two of them as they walked and went into another country? In another form With bright white clothes Transfigured 3
Because they did not understand the parables Mark 16:14 Why did Jesus rebuke the elevens’ unbelief and hardness of heart as they sat at the table? Because they did not understand the parables Because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen Because they had brought no bread 4
Mark 16:19 After Jesus was received up into heaven, where did He go? He sat down at the right hand of God He sat at the place He had prepared He sat upon His throne of Glory 5
Phil. 1:1 Who were bondservants of Jesus Christ? Paul and Timothy Paul and Silas Paul and Barnabas 6
Wisdom and understanding Knowledge and all discernment Phil. 1:9 In what did Paul pray that their love may abound still more and more? Wisdom and understanding Knowledge and all discernment Peace, joy and happiness 7
Phil. 1:13 Along with all the rest, who was it evident to that Paul’s chains were in Christ? Epaphroditus Clement The whole palace guard 8
Phil. 1:21 What does it mean for Paul to die, if to live is Christ? upsetting gain deliverance 9
Phil. 1:27 What is to be worthy of the gospel of Christ? Your conduct Your light Your deeds 10
Phil. 2:3 What is to be done through selfish ambition or conceit? Ones own interests Ones own esteem Nothing 11
Phil. 2:10 At whose name should every knee bow? Euodia Syntyche Jesus 12
Phil. 2:14 What are we to do all things without? Malice and anger Complaining and disputing Hypocrisy and envy 13
Phil. 2:19-20 Who is like minded that will sincerely care for the Philippian’s state? Syntyche Clement Timothy 14
Phil. 2:25-27 Who was sick almost unto death? Epaphroditus Timothy Barnabas 15
Phil. 3:10 What was Paul being conformed to knowing Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings? Image Death Life 16
Phil. 3:14 What goal does Paul press toward? The prize of the upward call of God. A crown of glory A mansion over the hilltop 17
Phil. 3:20 Where is our citizenship? Tennessee United States of America In Heaven 18
Phil. 3:20-21 What will the Lord Jesus Christ transform? Our lowly body Our lowly heart Our lowly mind 19
Phil. 3:21 What will the Lord Jesus Christ transform our lowly body to be conformed to? His glorious body His death His resurrection 20
Phil. 4:1 Who did Paul implore to be of the same mind in the Lord? Timothy and Epaphroditus Silas and Barnabas Euodia and Syntyche 21
Your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus Phil. 4:7 Through Jesus Christ what will the peace of God which passes all understanding guard? Your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus Your souls until He comes again Your body and spirit in the Lord 22
Meditate on these things Seek and find these things Phil. 4:8 What are you to do with things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praiseworthy? Rejoice in the Lord Meditate on these things Seek and find these things 23
Phil. 4:13 What can be done through Christ who strengthens me? Mountain moving Possible things All things 24
Phil. 4:22 Who especially sent greetings to the Philippians? The brethren The saints Caesar’s household 25