태아 초음파 검사법
임신 시기에 따른 초음파 검사 항목 First Trimester Gestational sac location Embryo identification Crown-rump length Fetal heart motion Fetal number Uterus and adnexal evaluation
Gestational Sac
Yolk Sac
Yolk Sac & Fetus
Crown Rump Length
임신 시기에 따른 초음파 검사 항목 Second and Third Trimester Fetal number Presentation Fetal heart motion Placental location Amnionic fluid volume Gestational age Survey of fetal anatomy Evaluation for maternal pelvic masses
Detection of Fetal anomaly 태아의 형태적 이상유무를 확인 검사자의 경험 및 숙련도 초음파 기기의 해상도 등의 한계가 문제 Overall sensitivity of sonography in detecting fetal defects was 53%.
Head and Spine Hydrocephalus (Ventriculomegaly) Most cases are associated with other anomaly Ten percent were associated with chromosomal abnormalities Lateral ventricular atrium 6-9 mm (15-35 weeks) Greater than 10 mm -> ventriculomegaly Dangling choroid plexus
Head and Spine Neural tube defects Anencephaly Absence of cranium with cerebral hemisphere Extreme diminution of adrenal gland size Gross hydramnios The first fetal malformation to be diagnosed prenatally by sonography
Head and Spine Spina bifida Usually in the lumbosacral vertebrae Meningocele Meningomyelocele Meningoencephalocele
Head and Spine Arnold-Chiari malformation Cerebral ventriculomegaly Frontal bone scalloping (lemon sign) Abnormal curvature of the cerebellum (banana sign) Obliteration of cisterna magna
Lemon & Banana Sign
Head and Spine Cystic hygroma Cleft lip and palate Lymphatic system malformation Nuchal region Associated with fetal hydrops and chromosomal abnormalities Cleft lip and palate
Cystic hygroma
Thorax Heart anomaly Diaphragmatic hernia Most commonly recognized birth defect Frequently associated with aneuploidy Four-chamber view Diaphragmatic hernia Incomplete fusion of the pleuroperitoneal membrane Cystic structure behind the left atrium Absence of abdominal stomach bubble Associated hydramnios
Diaphragmatic Hernia
Abdomen Abdominal wall defects Omphalocele Yes Midline Variable More common Gastroschisis No Right to umbilicus Intestine Less common Sac Location Content Associated anomaly Chromosomal Abnormalities
Abdomen Gastrointestinal atresia Esophageal atresia Tracheoesophageal fistula Duodenal atresia Double bubble sign
Abdomen Renal agenesis Cystic renal disease More frequent in males Oligohydramnios and pulmonary hypoplasia Cystic renal disease polycystic kidney Multicystic dysplastic kidney Chronic obstructive uropathy
BPD 측정 Level
BPD & Femur
Foot & Umbilical Cord
Amniotic Band