UQ Teaching Fellowship Scheme Information Session with Professor Doune Macdonald - Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning) Associate Professor Susan Rowland - Deputy Director Wednesday 18 October 2017
Aim of UQ Teaching Fellowship Scheme To support teaching and learning leaders to undertake activities that will advance teaching and learning in their Faculty, School or discipline and thereby contribute to UQ’s commitment to enhancing student outcomes.
Scheme Description Who What When Where How much All levels and categories of UQ academic staff who carry substantial teaching responsibilities What Support innovative, short-term projects that convert a large course, or a suite of courses, to blended delivery mode When Undertake Fellowship activities over a period of one year. The twelve-month period for the project must begin before May 1, 2018 Where Residency within ITaLI for a time equivalent to one day per week, completed over the entire year or it may coincide with either first or second semester of the academic year How much Fellowship funding is worth $50,000; this funding may be allocated to one Fellow or divided equally between two Fellows (each with support of $25,000)
Scheme Expectations Enhance teaching & learning practices in line with Student Strategy goals Identify and address a teaching and learning issue within your Faculty, School or discipline Convert a large course, or a suite of courses, to blended delivery mode Significantly address one or more of the goals and initiatives in the UQ Student Strategy White Paper Ensure financial accountability and reporting compliance Submit an interim report (six months from project start date) in order for the second tranche of funding to be released Provide accurate full and formal financial acquittal statements in relation to expenditure of funds Submit a final report within three months of completion including a full and formal financial acquittal statement Build connections and share best practice Establish and build on partnerships in teaching and learning Contribute to the intellectual life of ITaLI and the broader teaching and learning community at UQ Disseminate and embed the outcomes of the project in an engaging and timely manner
What does/might course renewal entail? Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 High quality online resources High value, on-campus experiences Modularization Relevant, manageable and fair assessment Online assessment Competency-based assessment Learning analytics Students as partners
Key application dates
Project Criteria The project significantly addresses one or more of the goals and/or initiatives outlined in the UQ Student Strategy White Paper. The project design, method or approach is innovative, robust and achievable in the timeframe. The project has the potential to impact student learning in the University, Faculty, School or discipline. 1 2 3 The project dissemination strategy helps build collaborations and promote excellent practices in teaching and learning. The project budget is realistic and appropriate. The applicant has demonstrated capacity to successfully undertake, complete and disseminate the project. 4 5 6
Student Strategy Goals Game-changing graduates To graduate students who use their intellectual assets to build meaningful careers, become effective leaders, and turn their ideas into impact. Dynamic people and partnerships To strengthen a dynamic and enterprising culture that supports continued innovation, adapts to change, and is shared, valued and enriched by students and staff. Student-centred flexibility To provide our students with flexible options that support and service their priorities, meet their expectations and personalise their learning experience. An integrated learning environment To build a vibrant, practical and digitally-integrated environment that supports and enhances on campus learning, community engagement and student life. https://student-strategy.uq.edu.au
Support from ITaLI Give advice on the teaching and learning project Provide an appropriate mentor for the Fellowship Suggest appropriate networks to support the Fellowship Assist with planning a relevant dissemination strategy Provide work space, a computer with network access, and photocopying facilities
Thank you For more information w | https://itali.uq.edu.au/content/uq-teaching-fellowship-scheme e | teaching.awards@uq.edu.au Talk to a 2017 Teaching Fellow: https://itali.uq.edu.au/content/2017-fellowship-recipients Thank you