Attracting Top Talent Presented by: Christopher Jones Branch Manager Adams & Martin Group
Today’s Topics While the legal job market is very tight, attracting top performers is more challenging than ever. Now is the time to proactively rethink your recruitment strategies.
What does this mean for you? It’s going to be harder to locate qualified candidates. In fact, you may already be feeling the shortage! Your law firm will need to employ new, more “outside the box” strategies in order to recruit top talent.
Recruiting Top Talent: Factors to take into account when hiring. What other industries might you find these valuable skills? Examples: An Accountant from a Financial Services Firm A Marketing Coordinator from a PR firm. Do these potential candidates have the ability to adapt to life in a law firm? Pitfalls to avoid so as not to limit your options. Only considering candidates with law firm experience for positions where you can find transferable skills from other industries. Not networking with skilled professionals from other industries.
Recruiting Top Talent: Recruit and hire skills versus “years of experience” Additionally, we’ve observed several instances where more junior legal professionals are able to successfully perform the same task as their senior counterparts. The opposite applies as well in cases where a more junior person is targeted. It is detrimental to assume someone’s ability to perform a task based off the amount of years they have performed similar task. Example: a Secretary with 10 years of experience supporting a Partner with a modest book of business versus a secretary with 3 years supporting a “Rainmaker”.
Recruiting Top Talent Things to remember on when posting job ads What particular task will the candidate be responsible for? What skills must the candidate possess to be considered for the role? What other industries might this candidate come from? Is a certification or degree genuinely required in order to successfully perform the required task?
Exercise: Please look at the 2 resumes provided and determine which candidate you would hire based off the resume alone? Why would you hire this candidate versus the other? Can you tell which candidate currently works in a law firm and which currently works in a corporation?
Thank you for your time. Questions? Conclusion Thank you for your time. Questions?