Keyboarding Literacy - Day 1 By Terri Brungardt
What is Keyboarding literacy, and Why is it important?
Keyboarding literacy – What is it all about? Knowing why keyboarding is important How to be successful Typing Technique Typing Stamina Building Stamina Knowing Which Resources Can Help
Why is keyboarding valuable? It is a skill that increases one’s value as an employee – the better your skill set, the more valuable you are, and the more one can earn.
Why is keyboarding valuable? Knowing how to keyboard saves the user time thus creating time efficiencies.
With Greater Time Efficiencies The learner can complete work more quickly Have more time for other activities
Knowing How to Keyboard supports the Standards Common Core W.3.6, W.4.6, W5.6, W.6.6, W.7.6, W.8.6, W.9.6, W.10.6, W11.6, W12.6 ISTE Nets for Students Standard 5, Digital Citizenship, Section c Standard 6, Technology Operations and Concepts, Sections A & B
Tomorrow we will Find out more about Good Typing Technique Summary -Keyboarding is a valuable Skill -Keyboarding can help a learner with school work and the standards -keyboarding creates time efficiencies Tomorrow we will Find out more about Good Typing Technique
Keyboarding Literacy Resources Click here to find all keyboarding literacy resources:
Work Cited "Preparing America's Students for Success." Home | Common Core State Standards Initiative. Web. 10 Jan. 2016. "ISTE Standards for Students." Standards for Students. Web. 10 Jan. 2016. "Tech Tips for Teachers." -. Web. 10 Jan. 2016.