* Segregation * WHITES "ASIANS" COLOUREDS The policy or practice of separating people of different races, classes, or ethnic groups, as in schools, housing, and public or commercial facilities, especially as a form of discrimination. The government in South Africa (1948) was made up of Afrikaner National Party members lead by Dr. Malan. This government (made primarily of Afrikaner whites) segregated the people. Citizens were labelled by their races into three main groups: WHITES British Afrikaners (western European settlers that were mainly Dutch) "ASIANS" COLOUREDS - Mixed Race Indians Chinese
…Cont. Two years after winning the 1948 elections the government began to pass a series of laws which further separated “whites” and “non whites”…
* Group Areas Act * In 1950 this law was passed in order to divide land and separate races As a part of this new law blacks were forced to live in Bantustans (small tribal homelands of South African blacks)
* Population Registration Act * Passed in 1950 this Law required all South Africans to register their race with the government. * Pass Laws Act * - 1952: all “non-whites” were required to carry a pass in able to leave their Bantustans
* Separate Amenities Act * - In 1953, the “Separate Amenities Act” established separate amenities for whites and non-whites such as bathrooms, water fountains etc.
* Bantu Education Act 1953 * $$$$$ This law decided how much educational funding was available for each “group” of people. $$$$$
* The Reaction * Meanwhile, the US was threatening to use economic sanctions against South Africa because they didn’t feel that they should support a government with a policy of segregation. Because of these laws the African National Congress was formed in 1955 (ANC). Their goal was to push for equal rights, however; in 1960 in Sharpeville, 69 blacks were killed in their Bantustan because of protesting… …The government banned all opposition groups after this.
* Brutality… * * A typical riot scene
* Mandela * Leader of the ANC, Mandela, was convicted of sabotage(1964). He was framed as a terrorist and sentenced to life in prison.
* Afrikaans… * 1976 in Soweto (South West Township) kids protested after the teaching of the Afrikaans language was made mandatory. This protest lasted eight months and ended in the death of 575 protestors. * A typical Bantustan in Soweto
* Reality… * * A typical protest scene in South Africa
* …Cont. * In 1977, protestor Steven Biko was arrested. Later, the public was informed that he had died of a hunger strike however research has proved that he was actually beaten to death.
* A New Hope * 1989 a reformist, De Klerk, took power of the National Government with a vision to dismantle the system of Apartheid He accomplished many things during his time in power such as: Lifting the ban on opposition groups, releasing Mandela from prison, allowing black and white schools, as well as free elections In April of ’94 elections for president were held and Mandela won
Nelson Mandela