Brief History of the Armenian Genocide
Does a nation have a right to defend itself?
Libyan Revolution and Civil War 2011 If you use your air force I will implement a no fly zone If you protestors try to remove me I will crush you!
Red Scare in the USA
Anonymous and S.O.P.A
Should the United States have targeted “terrorists” after 911?
Pop Quiz Next Slide
Did the Sultan do anything wrong? Support your answer using the reading.
Did the Armenian nationalist groups do anything wrong Did the Armenian nationalist groups do anything wrong? Support your answer using the reading.
What did the Armenians demand?
Connect the packet to any yearly theme.
Discussion 10 Groups Select a number 1-6 1-Role of religion 5-6 2-LT-11 3-Enligtenment 12-13 4-Sick Man 5-Line 21 6-Line 24 7-Bloody Sultan 8-Bystander 33 9-Young Turks 42 10-Line 53 10 Groups Select a number 1-6
Groups 1-Role of religion 5-6 2-LT-11 3-Enligtenment 12-13 4-Sick Man 5-Line 21 6-Line 24 7-Bloody Sultan 8-Bystander 33 9-Young Turks 42 10-Line 53 Copy these headings in your notes and leave room
Line 5-6 Would you rather have religious, racial, cultural or language differences?
Line 11 Is this an example of second class citizenship, independence, genocide or assimilation?
Line 12-13 Armenians are demanding rights. Think about present day homosexual discrimination or segregation separating White and Blacks. Were the Armenian demands justified? If you are the leader of an empire and an oppressed group demands change how would you deal with the situation?
Line 21 Sick Man of Europe, Treaty of Berlin and the Bloody Sultan. Historical definition and understandings.
Line 24 In the 1960s, Malcolm X was for separation of Blacks and Whites. He envisioned a nation of Black people. Due to slavery, Malcolm argued that the US government owed former slaves pay for the building of America. Thus America should pay for that new nation. How would you respond to Malcolm’s request?
Line 29 and Line 33 Should the US get involved? Should the United Nations? Should the League of Nations get involved? What nation should get involved? Would you?
Line 42 CUP and Young Turks Connect to Nazi Germany and the Weimar Republic
Line 53 As the US President, during the following wars how would you deal with the following? Spanish-Americans attack Washington D.C. during the Spanish American War German-Americans attack Washington D.C. during WWI Japanese-Americans attack Washington D.C. during WWII Vietnamese-Americans attack Washington D.C. during the Vietnam War. Iraqi-Americans attack Washington D.C. during the War on “Terrorism”
Groups 1-Role of religion 5-6 2-LT-11 3-Enligtenment 12-13 4-Sick Man 5-Line 21 6-Line 24 7-Bloody Sultan 8-Bystander 33 9-Young Turks 42 10-Line 53 Copy these headings in your notes and leave room
1-Timeline 2-Flow Chart 3-Politcal Cartoon 4-Write an essay prompt 5-Essay outline 6-Connect the information to any Holocaust section