Access to Energy & Light through ITC SUSTAINABLE CYBER POWER ITC Driven Urban & Rural Energy Shift to RE New Markets Increase Income in West Africa through Improved Data Access, Service and Knowledge Management
Sustainable ITC for (Renewable) Energies Needs: Access to good information; high quality data systems, data sharing Short Time between data capture & collection to analysis & release Information Sharing through ITC is base for good networking and coordination Improved Repair, Service & Monitoring through geospatial data sharing Offline data availability foster operational systems in rural areas Accounting with ITC improves accountability and micro credit Examples and ITC involve, train and mobilize a larger share of the population Data management - from problem to solution Information is not made public – it is still often seen exclusive privilege Using existing open source big data technologies to collect, process, analyze and present data in the RE Sector for the users in the field; Integrate all stakeholders with website, app, phone, training and technology
Location intelligence for smart energies
Data collection that works
EnDev Global has reached more than 15 Mio. People so far. EnDev Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea have reached about 50.000 people directly with modern electricity or cooking energy, more than 500 social institutions and over than 200 enterprises with solar energy in spite of Ebola and the heritage of the war.
Hartlieb Euler Thank you!