Data Managers’ Forum Tue 23 Aug @ 15:00 Topic: REDCap Mobile App
What is REDCap? Web-based data management system / database UCT has its own instance of REDCap on our servers Works on any internet-connected web browser Users need to have a UCT Staff number, Student number or T-number
What is the mobile app? Smartphone / Tablet app – can be downloaded from any app store Connects to your REDCap project using a ‘token’ (secret code) Token tells the app which: Server/instance to connect to Project to connect to User to authenticate as
What is the mobile app? App downloads a ‘copy’ of the project from the server when connected to internet Then lets you collect/edit data offline Synchronize new/changed data with the server later when connected to internet
What is the mobile app? Watch 2-minute video here
When should it be used? Intended use: By study fieldwork staff or participants In actual fieldwork situations where internet connection is dodgy or non-existent
How has it been used @ UCT? Mohammed Fadul - Lung Institute NExT study – Evaluating a new treatment regimen for patients with multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) Multiple sites: Western Cape Northern Cape Longitudinal setup – multiple visits (data collection points) per participant
How has it been used @ UCT? Kristen Daskilewicz - Gender, Health & Justice Unit Cross-sectional survey with LGBTI partner orgs in 12 countries (Individual participants complete 1 questionnaire each) Due to participatory method, partners have the option of: Paper or electronic Offline or online
Main advantages Can use in areas with no or poor 3G service Can be a “back-up” solution for internet connectivity problems Can be used in combination with online data collection (and/or paper)
Main draw-backs Slower than online survey Not as user-friendly/nice-looking as online survey Requires additional set-up and training if partnered with non-UCT staff Instructions/training materials were difficult to find
Questions & discussion Who else has used / tried the app? What are the main questions about the app?
What’s new in REDCap? Text-to-speech functionality for surveys Auto-complete for Drop-down fields Export entire project (data + metadata) as XML file Enable searching within a biomedical ontology for Text fields
Links for REDCap at UCT? Everything you need can be found at: