85th ACCU Meeting of 9 September 2009 CERN shuttle service 85th ACCU Meeting of 9 September 2009 9 September 2009 M. Tiirakari
Introduction Following the global survey launched by the Director General’s Office in April 2009 and addressed to the Staff and Users, GS-SEM has already made many improvements. 9 September 2009 M. Tiirakari
Mobility and transport Necessary to rethink the global mobility strategy to facilitate the transportation of the Staff and the Users : between the two sites (Meyrin and Prevessin) between the two sites and the LHC pits (including shifts, nights and week end) To/from the airport 9 September 2009 M. Tiirakari
Mobility and transport A CERN mobility would combine the use of cars, bicycles and regular shuttle : First step: Increase of regular shuttle service Next step: further thoughts regarding the setting-up of a CERN mobility and of an extensive use of cars and bicycles inside the site 9 September 2009 M. Tiirakari
Proposal for enlarged regular shuttle service 1st step: Improve the regular shuttle service New itineraries with enlarged timetable For ACCU comments and approval New shuttles + 3 additional drivers planned Budget approval needed If approved, implementation in January 2010 with appropriate communication to the Users (posters, information on website, notice boards with timetable at each bus stop, etc.) 9 September 2009 M. Tiirakari
Transitory measures from September to December 2009 Cover the LHC pits as it is already the case for CMS shifts since July 2009 (including nights and week end) Following discussions with SPS experiment spokespersons (NA48, NA58, NA61, NA63), setting-up of new itineraries to cover their needs. Who else should be contacted? 9 September 2009 M. Tiirakari
Study new models on the use of cars and bicycles (green mobility) CERN Mobility Next step: Study new models on the use of cars and bicycles (green mobility) 9 September 2009 M. Tiirakari
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION 9 September 2009 M. Tiirakari