THE UNITED NATIONS GREAT LAKES REGIONAL STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK 2016-2017 Pillar 1 – Sustainable Land and Natural Resources Management Ensuring effective cross border implementation to address regional conflict drivers Kampala (Uganda), 19-20 October 2016
MAIN OUTCOMES 1) Sustainable use of natural resources will enrich the state, and will lead to tangible improved community livelihood. 2) People realise secure ‘’ land ownership’’ and property rights for all through inclusive and peaceful land management, especially for those previously and presently displaced by conflicts. Please list here as identified in the Framework, the latest version of the CN of the Implementation Plan and the RRF: Main outcome(s) of the Pillar; Priority interventions – main output and a list of activities; Beneficiaries; Lead agencies; Budget and funding gap; Any other relevant information (contribution to SDGs).
PRIORITY INTERVENTIONS 1) Regional NRM and sustainable livelihoods in the Greater Virunga Landscape 2) Formalization of artisanal mining and promotion of legal regional mineral and timber trade 3) Realization of secure land and property rights for return, resettlement and economic reintegration 4) Fostering cross- border Coordination and Collaboration 2 Please list here as identified in the Framework, the latest version of the CN of the Implementation Plan and the RRF: Main outcome(s) of the Pillar; Priority interventions – main output and a list of activities; Beneficiaries; Lead agencies; Budget and funding gap; Any other relevant information (contribution to SDGs).
MAIN OUTPUTS 1) Regional policies and guidelines on sustainable natural resources management are assessed and reviewed for harmonization in support to decision making process 2) Regional guidelines and tools on eco-systems/biodiversity management to strengthen sustainable natural resources management applied 3) Regional and cross border mechanism that promote formalized and co- management approaches of natural resources are enhanced 4) Guidelines on the sustainable development and use of bioenergy are developed at ICGLR and country levels. enhanced in the GLR 2 Please list here as identified in the Framework, the latest version of the CN of the Implementation Plan and the RRF: Main outcome(s) of the Pillar; Priority interventions – main output and a list of activities; Beneficiaries; Lead agencies; Budget and funding gap; Any other relevant information (contribution to SDGs).
MAIN OUTPUTS (CONT.) 5) Land tenure security and property rights are enhanced in the GLR through the implementation of pro-poor and gender sensitive land tools and approaches for conflict prevention and resolution 6) The capacity of the ICGLR Secretariat and other relevant regional and national bodies are strengthened to better deal with land tenure and property rights issues 7) The capacity, knowledge and awareness of key stakeholders in addressing land governance and tenure security challenges are enhanced through a conflict sensitive approach 8) Support to the existing Land and Conflict, and on timber trade platforms, for regular engagement by sector stakeholders for sharing of experience and information at regional level. 9) A regional cooperation among research institutions is developed on land and conflicts in the Great Lakes Region 10) Best practices on land conflict prevention, resolution and community resettlement are documented and disseminated. 2 Please list here as identified in the Framework, the latest version of the CN of the Implementation Plan and the RRF: Main outcome(s) of the Pillar; Priority interventions – main output and a list of activities; Beneficiaries; Lead agencies; Budget and funding gap; Any other relevant information (contribution to SDGs).
BENEFICIARIES: Local communities, IDPs/returnees, national governments, local governments; ICGLR, CSOs, and research institutions. LEAD AGENCIES: UNHABITAT , UNEP, and FAO BUDGET: US$ 5m GAP: US$ 4.8m CONTRIBUTION TO: SDG 1, SDG5, SDG7, SDG15 AND SDG 16 2 Please list here as identified in the Framework, the latest version of the CN of the Implementation Plan and the RRF: Main outcome(s) of the Pillar; Priority interventions – main output and a list of activities; Beneficiaries; Lead agencies; Budget and funding gap; Any other relevant information (contribution to SDGs).
Pillar 1 – Current stage of implementation Establishment of the Land and Conflict Coalition (UN and Non UN entities). Development of the SG Guidance Note on Land and Conflict for the SG/UN Development of framework for root causes analysis related to land and conflict. Development of an action plan for the Nairobi declaration on land, conflict and displacement/ ICGLR. Evaluation of the ICGLR support program to land and property for displaced persons. Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) is currently being implemented in DRC and Congo basin, and initiative is tackling forest illegality through support to the development of national and regional Action Plan, law enforcement, forest and timber trade monitoring. Piloting the Mapping and Assessing the Performance of Extractives (MAP X) in DRC Launch of Ecosystems Based Adaptation for Food Security Assembly (EBAFOSA) branches/platforms in Tanzania, Uganda, and recently in DRC Other activities… Please list the progress already made towards the expected results (also preparatory work, fine tuning of documents etc).
Pillar 1 – Next steps Finalization of the CN Resource mobilization Clarification of roles and responsibilities Experience and Best Practices sharing by UN/ RC and UN senior officials on Land, Natural Resources and Conflict (UN-Habitat, UNDP, UNEP). Implementation of conflict sensitive tools (land mediation, land rights enumeration in DRC and Uganda through UN-Habitat interventions). Building evidence by documenting good practices on natural resources, land and conflict in the Great Lakes Region. Presentation of ICGLR experiences to the WB annual land conference in 2017. Regional workshop on women and access to land. Establish FLEGT focal points in countries across Great Lakes region [e.g., by creating permanent desk offices at country level] Develop regional timber trade guidelines for internal and external trade within the regional. Please list the next steps that are foreseen with a timeline (where possible), roles and responsibilities.
Pillar 1 – Mapping stakeholders, potential partners and donors . ICGLR . IGAD, COMIFAC . CPGL . UN Agencies . Civil society . EITI . World Bank . GIZ . RCMRD . Private sector (e.g. timber and tours companies) . EU, AU, USAID, Dutch, Switzerland, DFID, Sweden, Canada, Germany Please list main stakeholders at regional levels and potential partners and donors for the Pillar. How will the project work with partners to achieve results? What are partners already doing which is critical? This may be the result of the discussion during the workgroups.
Pillar 1 - Potential synergies with national and regional interventions and with other Pillars All other pillars Synergy with displacement and reintegration initiatives 3. UNDAF 4. Complementarity with country works on land and Extractives (DRC, Burundi, Rwanda, ICGLR support Program) 5. Complementarity with AU/Land Policy Initiative and VGGT Please list some potential synergies that could be lifted with existing regional interventions (also refer to the mapping exercise) and interventions under the other Pillars. Describe how you intend to coordinate with existing interventions and explore synergies with other Pillars.
Pillar 1 - Main challenges, actions and recommendations to facilitate the implementation of regional interventions Lack of capacity/ expertise for regional institutions dealing with land and displacement Lack of coordination among agencies and initiatives Fund raising is an issue Regional versus country level programming. Please list the main challenges to the effective implementation of the regional interventions and the key actions and recommendations to address and mitigate them (possibly with definition of responsible and a roadmap).
Contact persons Pillar 1: THANK YOU Thank you for your attention! Contact persons Pillar 1: Oumar SYLLA, Land and GLTN Unit Leader, UN-Habitat – Patrick KORMAWA, Sub regional Coordinator, FAO Eastern Africa – Saidou HAMANI, Regional Coordinator Disasters and Conflicts Programme, UNEP – contact person.