Implementation progress of the 2007-2013 programmes
Status of the CoM regulations OP “Human resources and employment” – status of the CoM regulations (on 28/02/09) Status of the CoM regulations SF allocation, EUR Number Regulations submitted to the CoM 43 953 846 7 Regulations approved by the CoM 402 382 935 35 Regulations not drafted 104 316 936 14 Total 550 653 717 56 Dati uz 01.03.2009.
OP “Enterpreneurship and innovations” status of the CoM regulations (on 05.03.2009) SF allocation, EUR Number Regulations submitted to the CoM 335 572 000 6 Regulations approved by the CoM 335 043 061 12 Regulations not drafted 66 115 889 3 Total 736 730 950 21
Status of the CoM regulations OP “Infrastructure and services” – status of the CoM regulations (on 28.02.2009) Status of the CoM regulations SF allocation, EUR Number Regulations submitted to the CoM 335 452 381 12 Regulations approved by the CoM 2 556 832 986 42 Regulations not drafted 350 777 600 14 Total 3 243 062 967 68 4
2007.-2013.g. plānošanas perioda ieviešana (uz 28.02.2008)
2007.-2013.g. plānošanas perioda ieviešana (uz 28.02.2008)
2007.-2013.g. plānošanas perioda ieviešana (uz 28.02.2008) KOPĀ - ieskaitot Tehniskās palīdzības līdzekļus I, II, II DP - neieskaitot Tehniskās palīdzības līdzekļus
2007.-2013.g. plānošanas perioda ieviešana (uz 28.02.2008) Neieskaitot Tehniskās palīdzības līdzekļus Ieskaitot Tehniskās palīdzības līdzekļus
2007.-2013.g. plānošanas perioda ieviešana (uz 28.02.2008)
2007.-2013.g. plānošanas perioda ieviešana (uz 28.02.2008)
Mērķa profilu izpilde (n+2/+3 izpilde) (uz 28.02.2009)
2007.-2013.g. plānošanas perioda ieviešana Champion activities; “Holding fund for the investment in guarantee, high-risk loans, and venture capital funds and other financial instruments”; Major projects.
Progress for the equity instruments: Progress in the activity Holding fund for the investment in guarantee, high-risk loans, and venture capital funds and other financial instruments (I) Progress for the equity instruments: - call for proposals – Decebmer 4, 2008 - deadline for submitting the project applications – January 16, 2009 (25 companies, 40 project applications) - by March 2009 – EIF has finished the preliminary selection phase and is ready begin negotiations with the successful applicants. - due diligence of the applicants and the selection of the proposals - Project agreements signed – June 2009
Progress for the debt instruments: Progress in the activity Holding fund for the investment in guarantee, high-risk loans, and venture capital funds and other financial instruments (II) Progress for the debt instruments: - Approval of the project selection criteria by the MC – January 2009 - EIF drafts the documents for the call for proposals – February 2009 - By March 2009 – EIF is ready to launch the call for proposals. - Project agreements signed – May 2009
The simplification of the EU funds – measures taken Advance payments The possibility for the enterpreneurs/private beneficiaries to receive advance payments. The posibility to include advance payments paid by the beneficiaries to the contractors in the declaration of expenditure Benefits: Smaller financial burden on the beneficiaries Faster payment flow
The simplification of the EU funds – measures taken Verification of the payment claims: The time limit for verifying the payment claims has been shortened fro 40 to 20 days. The time limit for procesing the payment has been shortened from 15 to 5 days. The progress reports do not have to be submitted with every payment claim. Benefit: Faster payment flows throughout the system
Improvements in the monitoring and reporting system A new CoM regulation on the monitoring and evaluation procedures will be adopted (expectedly) by the end of June. The intended changes are: The reporting cycle will be half a year (instead of quarterly reporting) Standard requirements for the project progress reports Elimination of duplication of data available in the MIS More emphasis on qualitative analysis Improvement of the monitoring procedures of the horizontal priorities Clarification of the links between various components of the monitoring system Clarification and simplification of the evaluation procedure