IFMS CHIEF DIRECTORATE Financial and Non-Financial Performance on Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) Date: 08 September 2017 IFMS CHIEF DIRECTORATE Presented by: Phila Mhlakaza: Acting Chief Director: IFMS
IFMS financial performance 2016/2017
Financial Performance on IFMS 2015/16 vs 2016/17 COMPARISON ON IFMS 2015/16 2016/17 BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE COMMENT FROM S40 180,286,000 180,272,799 13,201 556,985,000 556,449,955 -535,045
IFMS non-financial performance 2016/2017 Approved implementation approach supported by high level Programme stage Plan Finalisation of 9 IFMS PMO Governance strategies (through review by IA) and structures; Creation of IFMS Governance committee i.e. (Business Owners Committee, Design Authority/Architecture board, Risk Committee and Communications Committee); Establishment of the IFMS document/knowledge repository Secured funding for the IFMS programme over the MTEF and created dedicated financial management capacity; Confirmed Pilot/ Lead site dedication and capacity; Developed IFMS costing model with SITA (first version); Negotiated termination and settlement of IFMS I contract;
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