A starting point Be as well informed as possible about what further education opportunities are available to school leavers in your local area: Take advantage of the support from school and careers guidance services such as Connexions, as well as a range online information and fora. Get as much information about your local learning providers as possible; take advantage of the open events; talk to tutors and students there. Encourage your child to be ambitious, yet realistic about the pathway they might want to follow. If your child is considering following an A’ Level route - and possibly even has a specific university in mind – it may be worth checking their entry requirements as specific A’ Level subjects are sometimes a prerequisite for certain degree courses . Be clear about application processes and deadlines. Take advantage of the support and guidance available.
Open Events Bury College Bury College Campus, Market Street, Bury Wednesday 5th and Tuesday 11th October 2016 - 5:30pm - 7:30pm Saturday November 12th - 11:00am - 1:00pm Thursday 9th February 2017 - 5:30pm - 7:30pm IAG Centre: 0161 280 8280 www.burycollege.ac.uk Holy Cross Manchester Road, Bury, BL9 9BB Thursday 6th October - 5.30 - 8pm Monday 10th October - 5.30 - 8pm 0161 762 4500 www.holycross.ac.uk Bolton College Deane Road, Bolton, BL3 5BG Wednesday 21st September 2016, 5pm-8pm Futures4Me Event Thursday 13th October, 3.30pm - 7pm Tuesday 15th November 2016, 5pm-8pm Tuesday 24th January 2017, 5pm-8pm 01204 482000 www.boltoncollege.ac.uk info@boltoncc.ac.uk Hopwood Hall Rochdale/Middleton Campus Saturday 8th October 2016 10:00am-14:00pm Wednesday 16th November 2016 4pm -7pm 01706 650904 enquiries@hopwood.ac.uk www.hopwood.ac.uk
Application Process INFORMATION College website and fora Prospectus Open Day/Taster events APPLICATION Mostly online – check deadlines; use school support Multiple applications Reference requests INTERVIEWS AND OFFERS Students informed of decision and offer made – often conditional upon grades. GCSE RESULTS Offer confirmed or discussion takes place. Induction and enrolment. POST 16 SUPPORT School college liaison Results enquiries References
Dedicated Support Student Support Team ALL ADULTS! Mrs DM Rooks, AHT with overview of CEIAG Mrs D Turbill, Learning Coordinator, Y11 Form Tutors Mrs C Barlow, SENCO Connexions Activities Connexions interviews and referrals ‘Taster Days’ Student Development Day Programme: Work Shadow, Personal Statements and mock interviews etc. Application surgeries
Further Support STUDENT TO STUDENT SUPPORT: http://movingonmagazine.co.uk/ http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/ PARENT TO PARENT SUPPORT: http://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/further_education APPRENTICESHIPS: https://www.gov.uk/topic/further-education-skills/apprenticeships FINACNIAL SUPPORT: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/education/further-and-higher-education/financial-help-for-students-aged-16-19/ SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS WITH ADDITONAL NEEDS: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/417435/Special_educational_needs_and_disabilites_guide_for_parents_and_carers.pdf LOCAL SUPPORT: http://www.bury.gov.uk/connexions
What Do I Need To Know? How is the timetable organised? When do the exams take place? Is there any coursework? How much? When are the deadlines? Are there any Revision Classes? How will I know if my child is on target or otherwise? What are the school’s daily expectations? Who do I contact in school? What are the options for post 16? How does my child apply for college?
MORAL VALUES Try your best – all day, every day Communication RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTABILITY Communication Teach Prepare Support Uniform Equipment Homework MORAL VALUES