for all hu-man-i-ty to share with grat-i-tude:


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Presentation transcript:

for all hu-man-i-ty to share with grat-i-tude: Refrain: THAT THERE MAY BE BREAD That there may be bread, that there may be joy for all hu-man-i-ty to share with grat-i-tude: let this be our prayer and may each child of earth long for a free-dom that will flour-ish in all lands.

that our love can-not be real un-less we choose to bless each oth--er, Verse 1: THAT THERE MAY BE BREAD Sim-ple is the truth… that our love can-not be real un-less we choose to bless each oth--er, as bless-ing we have known.

for all hu-man-i-ty to share with grat-i-tude: Refrain: THAT THERE MAY BE BREAD That there may be bread, that there may be joy for all hu-man-i-ty to share with grat-i-tude: let this be our prayer and may each child of earth long for a free-dom that will flour-ish in all lands.

Still, the long night falls and yet for some, deep hun-ger cries…. Verse 2: THAT THERE MAY BE BREAD Still, the long night falls and yet for some, deep hun-ger cries…. as their tears be-come their bread:…. their hope, too, soon may die.

for all hu-man-i-ty to share with grat-i-tude: Refrain: THAT THERE MAY BE BREAD That there may be bread, that there may be joy for all hu-man-i-ty to share with grat-i-tude: let this be our prayer and may each child of earth long for a free-dom that will flour-ish in all lands.

Lord, what should I do… to…… have e-ter-nal life? Verse 3: THAT THERE MAY BE BREAD Lord, what should I do… to…… have e-ter-nal life? Love the God who lives within you and your neigh-bour as your-self.

for all hu-man-i-ty to share with grat-i-tude: Refrain: THAT THERE MAY BE BREAD That there may be bread, that there may be joy for all hu-man-i-ty to share with grat-i-tude: let this be our prayer and may each child of earth long for a free-dom that will flour-ish in all lands.

Lord, who is my neigh--bour? The one whose strug--gle Verse 4: THAT THERE MAY BE BREAD Lord, who is my neigh--bour? The one whose strug--gle and whose needs you o-ver-look, while your own com-fort you se-cure.

for all hu-man-i-ty to share with grat-i-tude: Refrain: THAT THERE MAY BE BREAD That there may be bread, that there may be joy for all hu-man-i-ty to share with grat-i-tude: let this be our prayer and may each child of earth long for a free-dom that will flour-ish in all lands.

can we be free to thirst and work… for the plant-ing and the har--vest Verse 5: THAT THERE MAY BE BREAD Grate-ful for our life, can we be free to thirst and work… for the plant-ing and the har--vest of King-dom’s life in all?

for all hu-man-i-ty to share with grat-i-tude: Refrain: THAT THERE MAY BE BREAD That there may be bread, that there may be joy for all hu-man-i-ty to share with grat-i-tude: let this be our prayer and may each child of earth long for a free-dom that will flour-ish in all lands.

At this ta-ble of… thanks--giv--ing with the life of Je-sus ris--en, Verse 6: THAT THERE MAY BE BREAD At this ta-ble of… thanks--giv--ing we are fed… with the life of Je-sus ris--en, in whom our hope is born.

for all hu-man-i-ty to share with grat-i-tude: Refrain: THAT THERE MAY BE BREAD That there may be bread, that there may be joy for all hu-man-i-ty to share with grat-i-tude: let this be our prayer and may each child of earth long for a free-dom that will flour-ish in all lands.

is this ban-quet of new life:… know the pres-ence of the Ho--ly, Verse 7: THAT THERE MAY BE BREAD Sign of God’s deep love is this ban-quet of new life:… know the pres-ence of the Ho--ly, in spir-it and in truth.

for all hu-man-i-ty to share with grat-i-tude: Refrain: THAT THERE MAY BE BREAD That there may be bread, that there may be joy for all hu-man-i-ty to share with grat-i-tude: let this be our prayer and may each child of earth long for a free-dom that will flour-ish in all lands.