Introducing New Features
Insights Homework Insights Provides the teacher with statistics of how students and parents have responded to a specific task. Student Views – How many have looked at a task & how many haven’t with login info Parent views – How many have looked at a task & how many haven’t with login info Homework visibility – Total number of h/w views – breakdown of parent/student Resources – How many have downloaded or viewed & how many haven’t with login info Class Insights Gives submission statistics for a specific class over the academic year. Student Insights Gives information and submission statistics for an individual student.
Scheduling reports Making DoLs lives easier by delivering a reports on homework set by the faculty.
Community resources Share best practice across schools by sharing and re-using the best homework.
Gradebook The Gradebook is a great way for you to review the grades and submissions for a class throughout the year. To access, click the “My Classes” tab on the navigation panel and click “View and grade class tasks” for the class you need. For more information / user guides, please go to, click on “For Schools” and then “Setting & Marking Homework”.