Facilitating Instruction Through the Lesson Tiles Important Links BCPS One Login: bcpsone.bcps.org BCPS One Manual: onemanual.bcps.org Office of Digital Learning Wiki: bcpsodl.pbworks.com Stacy Barry: sbarry@bcps.org @mrsstacybarry Jen Piet: jpiet@bcps.org @jenpiet23
Learning Targets Participants will learn to use the lesson tiles feature of the BCPS One Learning Management System to provide students with access to digital content from course maps, files, links, and the repository to support implementation of Students and Teachers Accessing Tomorrow (S.T.A.T.). Participants will discuss how the lessons tiles feature can support them in customizing and personalizing instruction.
Blueprint 2.0: “Ensure a learner-centered, personalized, blended environment powered by digital learning and interactive curriculum access that is flexible anytime and anywhere.”
Discuss How do you students in your class access digital resources during the school day and after school? How do you currently use the BCPS One Learning Management System with your students?
Lessons Overview Video Click to Watch Video
Add Activities to the Lesson Tiles BCPS One Manual – Lesson Tiles
Add Activities Course Maps District Course Maps: Curriculum Class Course Maps: Teacher-Created Explore the available district course maps and practice by adding at least one activity from a course map to a lesson tile.
Add Activities Add Instructions, My Links, My Files Explore the Add Instructions, My Links, and My Files options. Practice adding at least one activity of each type to the lesson tiles.
Add Activities My Links Digital Content in BCPS One can be added to lesson tiles using the direct link as the URL. Direct linking instructions for each database are available on the Digital Learning Resource Wiki. Find a digital resource in a database of your choice. Follow the direct linking instructions to obtain the URL and place it on a lessons tile.
Add Activities My Lessons: Allows you to add your own created lesson plans. Students cannot see lesson plans. My Wikis: Allows you to add your own created wikis. - a wiki is a page to which you can add and organize content for your students to access.
Add Activities Add Assignments: Recommend adding assignments from Gradebook, rather than from Lessons. Assignments added from Gradebook will still appear on tiles. My Tests: Allows you to add your own created assessments from Tests/Quizzes.
Blueprint 2.0: “Ensure a learner-centered, personalized, blended environment powered by digital learning and interactive curriculum access that is flexible anytime and anywhere.”
Exit Ticket (Padlet) Identify at least two ways you will use the Lessons tiles (with support from the Repository and Course Maps) to support instruction in your classroom. - or- Explain one way that you could start customizing instruction in your classroom using these features.
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Digital Learning University Complete one of the reflection activities listed on the DLU Reflections page if you are taking this course for credit as part of Digital Learning University. Submit your activity to bcpsodl@gmail.com by March 16, 2016.
Office of Digital Learning Visit http://bcpsodl.pbworks.com Click on the “Toolbox Index” page.