District 6 – Safety Applications Spring 2017
Left Turn Lane-palooza PROVEN EFFECTIVENESS – FHWA has determined that a single left turn lane on a major road approach would be expected to reduce total intersection crashes by: 44% for 3-legged rural unsignalized 28% for 4 legged rural unsignalized Fayette County US 62/SR3 & SR 38/CR 137 (Old Springfield Rd.) Delaware County US 36/SR3 & CR 605/CR 16 (Condit Rd.) Franklin County SR 104 & White Road All of these turn lanes are warranted by traffic volumes as well (except for westbound left at 62 & 38 - needed to oppose eastbound left)
US 62/SR3 & SR 38/CR 137 (Old Springfield Rd.) FAY-62-17.64 US 62/SR3 & SR 38/CR 137 (Old Springfield Rd.)
FAY-62-17.64 US 62/SR3 & SR 38/CR 137 (Old Springfield Rd.) We are requesting $850K to build left turn lanes on NB and SB US 62 Ranked #78 on the 2015 Safety Analyst Rural Intersection list Request for turn lane received from ODOT Fayette County Manager Appeared on the 2012 Intersection Priority Signage List Significant truck percentage 16% truck volumes on US 62 16% truck volumes on SR 38 Valero Bloomingburg Ethanol Plant just north of the intersection
Crashes the angle from SR 38 was a wide right turn several of the rear ends, the vehicle went left of center to attempt avoiding the crash, clipped the rear of the stopped car, and continued on into on coming traffic. Injuries resulted from both rear ends and angle crashes
Benefits Summary of Anticipated Safety Performance of the Project (average crashes/year) rural location - minimize right of way impacts conservative estimate, takes into account the possibility of needing to extend the culvert to the north ($300,000 per turn lane, $250,000 for culvert modification)
Other Alternatives All Way Stop Signal Roundabout Not warranted by traffic volumes Signal Roundabout Requires additional right of way More costly Still may require culvert modification
US 36/SR3 & CR 605/CR 16 (Condit Rd.) DEL-36-26.01 US 36/SR3 & CR 605/CR 16 (Condit Rd.)
DEL-36-26.01 US 36/SR3 & CR 605/CR 16 (Condit Rd.) $1.1M for a signal and left turn lanes on US 36/SR 3 Rank #74 on 2015 HSIP Rural Intersections List Appeared on the 2012 Intersection Priority Signage List Fatal Crash – Jan. 2016 customer complaints reviewed for signal 2012-did not meet warrants
Crashes Crash Severity Crashes Fatal 1 Injury 9 Property Damage 8 crashes increased in 2016, including a fatal left turn crash http://nbc4i.com/2016/01/14/truck-crash-reported-in-eastern-delaware-county/
Expected Annual Crash Adjustment Benefits Expected Annual Crash Adjustment Number of Fatal & Incapacitating Injury Crashes -0.340 Number of Injury Crashes -0.634 Number of Total Crashes 0.942 emphasize reduction in fatal and injury crashes turn lanes only could be an interim alternative 100 ft of right of way on 36 should leave plenty of room- a business driveway may need to be closed or relocated
Other alternatives All way stop Roundabout Not desirable Not warranted by traffic volumes Roundabout Significant right of way needed 2 businesses, 1 residence More costly About double the cost excluding right of way Nearby 61 and 656 roundabout $2.2 million – double the cost of a signal and turn lanes (excluding right of way)
FRA-104-4.43 SR 104 & White Road
FRA-104-4.43 SR 104 & White Road We are requesting $600K to build a left turn lane on NB SR 104 Appeared on the 2012 Intersection Priority Signage List Jackson Township has requested left turn lanes at White, Holton, Borror, Hibbs, and Hiner. White is the first intersection south of Stringtown. Multiple customer complaints Not on Safety Analyst list as an urban intersection, however, it has rural characteristics and stronger rear-end trend than other rural locations on our list. Fatal crash 2006 LED stop sign on White installed around 2008 Northbound left turn lane only- east leg is driveway to a house and cell tower (minimal traffic) Speed limit revised to 50 mph in area
Sideswipe-Passing, Angle, Left Turn, Fixed Object 1 each Crash Type Crashes Rear End 9 Sideswipe-Passing, Angle, Left Turn, Fixed Object 1 each Crash Severity Crashes Injury 4 Property Damage 9 8 northbound rear ends in 3 years 1 angle, 1 left turn fatal crash 2006
60 ft. of right of way on 104- would get right of way from large residential lots on the east side borderline meets signal warrants
Other alternatives All way stop Roundabout Not desirable Not warranted by traffic volumes Roundabout Significant right of way needed Likely to impact historic church on SW corner More costly Rear end crash pattern most efficiently addressed with turn lane