What is Help You Choose? Norfolk’s careers information, advice and opportunities website for young people Prospectus of courses, training and jobs in Norfolk Online applications Information and advice to assist young people to choose options The website address is:
The Help You Choose Homepage
Making the Most of Help You Choose All Year 11s to apply online using Help You Choose A whole school approach No paper forms to be given out Ensure you are familiar with the website so you can help students with any queries
How to Register Students All students will need: UPN (Unique Pupil Number) An email address they can access in school to complete the registration process The Help You Choose – How to Register Guide which can be downloaded from the Advisers and Teachers area of the website
The Registration Process Click on the Register button
The Registration Process Students should complete all the information on the registration page including their UPN (Unique Pupil Number) which the school needs to supply.
The Registration Process Students will receive an email with a link that they need to click on to complete the second part of the registration process. Make sure the email address they set up their account with can be accessed in school
The Registration Process Students need to set up their account with a username, password and security question.
How to Search 6th Form and Colleges will be selected as this is the default on the homepage.
How to Search Use the search options to find the 6th Form, College or specific courses you want
How to Search To find courses at the local sixth form: Type “INSERT SIXTH FORM NAME HERE” into the Quick Search box and click Search Courses
Search Results Click ‘More information’ next to any course to find out more about it.
My Account Area Students can complete information in their ‘My Account’ area which will then pre-fill their online application forms Complete the ‘My Career’ plan to help them achieve their career goals Check the status of their applications Sign Up to Job Matching
Using the Online Application System Students search courses and add them to their basket Login with username and password If students have already completed ‘My Account’ this information will prefill their application form Students may need to complete a few additional questions on the application form Students check forms and submit
The Application Form Split across three pages – click Next to continue
What Happens Next? The student gets an Email Receipt to confirm the application’s been sent They’ll then get an Email Acknowledgement from each sixth form and college when they start processing the application The application then goes into the usual admissions process, including interview (if used)
My Course Applications In ‘My Course Applications’ students can: Check the status of their application, it will show if the provider has collected it Withdraw an application if the Provider has not collected it.
Apprenticeships, Jobs and Training To find out about Apprenticeships in Norfolk students should click on the Apprenticeships, Jobs and Training section where they will find a wide range of vacancies.
Apprenticeships Norfolk Website Find vacancies on the Apprenticeships Norfolk Website:
Find an Apprenticeship As well as looking on Help You Choose, young people can search and register for Apprenticeships online at
Application Timeline Students to research courses available and complete ‘My Account’: INSERT DATES Our students will start applying on: INSERT DETAILS All applications should be made by: INSERT DATE
Info & Advice Pages Students can access lots of useful information covering topics such as decisions and choices, work and training, money and transport on the info and advice pages.
Resources You can find a wide range of supporting materials in the Advisers and Teachers Area of Help You Choose. Access this area by selecting Advisers and Teachers at the bottom of the homepage.
The Advisers & Teachers Area Sign up to the IAG Yammer Network for news and updates Publications including Choices booklets How to Guides to print and hand out to students Leaflets Posters Lesson Plans Powerpoint Presentations for Year 11’s, Tutors and Parents Developing Norfolk’s Future Workforce Videos Pre 16 Alternative Provision Directory Infographics Search Provider Events by Region Search Vacancies by Region
The Providers Area In the Providers Area of Help You Choose tutors and school staff can track students applications. To login go to
Students See which of your students are registered with Help You Choose Which students have made applications, where they have applied and what for
Help You Choose Helpdesk 0344 800 80 22 If you have a question about the Help You Choose website you can contact the helpdesk: Help You Choose Helpdesk 0344 800 80 22