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Presentation transcript:

SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON INTERMODAL TRANSPORTATION & ECONOMIC EXPANSION Freight Advisory Committee Roundtable November 12th Marina Ballroom III Boston, Massachusetts

Background MDOT strives to facilitate the safe and efficient movement of freight on our transportation system to promote the following goals: Improve reliability and reduce congestion on the primary freight corridors Maintain the freight network infrastructure in a state of good repair Improve economic benefits of the statewide freight network Protect the safety and security of the freight infrastructure Protect the environment while enhancing the freight network performance

MS Freight System at a Glance A diversity of freight moves through our transportation system that encompasses all modes. Our multimodal freight network includes coastal and river ports, highways, Class I and short line railroads, airports, intermodal facilities and pipelines.

Mississippi Freight Advisory Committee

MS Freight Advisory Committee (MS-FAC) Formed in 10/13 consistent with FHWA’s Interim Guidance (FR, 15 October 2012) Purpose: Provide insight and input in the development of State Freight Plan Provide ongoing recommendations and insight to MDOT Partnership of Public and Private Stakeholders Knowledgebase includes impacts and benefits of freight movement Various perspectives includes planning, economic development and infrastructure

MS-FAC Member Categories Freight Carriers Shippers & Receivers Non-profit Government Trucking Manufacturers Economic Development Agencies Federal Government Railroads Utilities Regional Planning State DOT Ports and Waterways Refineries Environmental Agencies Local Governments Airports Military   Academia/Research Pipelines Agriculture

MS-FAC Membership Economic Development: MS Development Authority MS Associations: Airport Automotive Farm Bureau Forestry Manufacturing Poultry Railroad Retail Trucking Water Resources Agriculture and Commerce Planning: MPO’s Economic Development: MS Development Authority MS World Trade Center TN Valley Authority US Dept. of Commerce Government: MS Municipal League US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) MS Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) Federal Highway (FHWA) AR, TN and LA DOT’s MDOT modal divisions

Membership (Continued) Research/Academia Institute for Trade and Transportation Studies (ITTS) USM-Center for Logistics, Trade and Transportation (CLTT) National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness (NCITEC)-MSU/DOTD/LTRC Military Camp Shelby United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) Energy Sector Ergon Entergy

Key Freight Issues and Opportunities Increase in freight demand will cause more strain on our transportation system as more freight by both volume and value moves within and through Mississippi. In the short term, much of the growing demand can be absorbed by the existing freight network and the supporting facilities. A more comprehensive approach to statewide freight planning is needed for our economy to flourish and remain competitive in the global and regional markets. To guide MDOT investment and actions targeting freight movement needs, they should be based on freight-specific goals and objectives that reflect national freight policy and over-arching state transportation goals

Challenges/Impacts Maintaining level of participation in the absence of readily available/dedicated funding Raising awareness about the importance of freight at the policy maker level Formalized the dialogue about the role of freight in our multimodal system Improved communications/relationships with stakeholders Comprehensive State Freight Plan to help guide planning and decision-making

Thanks! Contact Info: Charles Carr (601) 359-7025 Director, Office of Intermodal Planning ccarr@mdot.ms.gov Trung Trinh (601) 359-7685 MDOT Freight Coordinator ttrinh@mdot.ms.gov State Freight Plan Information: http://mdot.ms.gov/portal/freight.aspx