The ABC's of Kindergarten 2017-2018
What is New in Kindergarten? Kindergarten has changed dramatically over the past several years. It is no longer the kindergarten that you or I remember. The expectations and curriculum standards for a child in kindergarten are very high now. But don't worry! With your help, we are here to make sure that your child's educational experience will be not only successful, but fun and exciting also. Here are the direct links to the English Language Arts and Math Standards for kindergarten
ttendance is very important ttendance is very important. If your child misses school, please remember to write a note, send me an email or call the office to let us know he/she will be absent. Work for the day can be made up at home if your child is sick but not necessary due to the fact the homework packets sent home for the week reinforce keys skills we are learning in the classroom. is for backpacks & book orders! It is not necessary for Kindergarteners to bring a backpack to school. Book order forms (Scholastic) will be coming home as I receive them. As a bonus, free books are earned for our classroom library when book orders are made! Our first Book Fair will start September 5! Parents can shop 8-9am.
is for communication, conferences, and computer class is for communication, conferences, and computer class! Throughout the year I will communicate with you through email, telephone calls, newsletters, progress reports, and parent teacher conferences. I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at any time. There is no need to wait until parent conference day if you have a concern about your child's progress. Feel free to contact me or send a note to school. We have computer class every week. If you have not already done so, please return the Computer Consent Form ASAP. Without these forms students are unable to use the school computers. is for dates! We have important dates throughout the school year. I will always provide you with important dates in my newsletters that are sent home every Wednesday in your child’s homework folder. Please, mark your calendars! We don’t want you to miss out on anything.
Fire drills help us be prepared is a reminder that in an emergency, it is important that we have current contact telephone numbers. Please inform us if address, home, work, or cell phone numbers change throughout the school year. is for field trips and fire drills! Information for field trips will be sent home closer to time of the trip! Fire drills help us be prepared is for gym class! Children should wear sneakers for gym class.We will have gym class (P.E.) every Friday. Regardless, children should ALWAYS wear closed toed shoes to school.
Be NVOLVED in your child's learning! is for Homework Packets! Every Wednesday, homework assignments can be found on I encourage you to work with your child each night to review & reinforce the skills we are working on in school. Please, return completed homework assignments to school EVERY Tuesday along with homework folders and homework bags. Be NVOLVED in your child's learning! is for joining our FAB (PTA)! Throughout the school year there will be a variety of special classroom activities, celebrations, and FAB meetings. We also have many events to help support our school. I encourage you become involved!
is for keeping up with folders is for keeping up with folders! Homework folders are a primary means of communications. The folder will be our way of making sure things get to and from school. This includes your child’s classwork for the week. is for library! We will be visiting the school library every other week. Please encourage your child to reread their library book with you at home. You can also read with your child using “85 Fun Simple Ways to Help Your Child Learn to Read,” located in your Back to School packet.
is for manipulatives. Throughout the year, we will be working with manipulatives (hands-on activities) to help us with new discoveries and with learning. is for Nurse! If your student requires medication to be taken at school please make sure that you fill out the necessary forms in the office. Our nurse and office handles all medication. I am also aware that a couple students in our classroom have severe allergies to peanuts, cashews, and pistachios. Please refrain from packing any nut products in your child’s lunch or snack. is for office check-ins and check-outs! Please make sure to go to our office when you need to check-in or check-out your student.
is for PARTY! The room moms will usually organize these events and coordinate volunteers and donations. Please, let me know if your family does not celebrate certain holidays. Birthdays are special occasions for young children. Parents are welcome to provide birthday treats that we can enjoy towards the end of our school day. All treats for parties, holiday, etc. must be store bought, no home-baked goods are allowed. is for questions! Please let me know if you have any questions throughout the year. I am always willing to talk with you before or after school.
is for recess and report cards is for recess and report cards! We will be going outside everyday unless it is raining. If your child is too sick to play outside, they are too sick to attend school. Please make sure your child is properly dressed for the weather! Report cards for Kindergarten is on a 4 point scale. More info will come as time approaches! is for snacks and lunches! Please, provide a nutritious snack and lunch for your child every school day. If your child is purchasing a snack and/or lunch, please credit their accounts. You can do this in 3 ways: online by providing cash in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, or paying Miss. Candace in the school cafeteria. is for tying shoes! Unfortunately, this is very necessary skill that is no longer taught in school. Please work on this with your child at home. Once they become proficient at tying shoes, they will become one of my "Tying Teachers" and assist in teaching other students with learning to tie shoes.
Each child is UNIQUE and special Each child is UNIQUE and special. They enter my classroom with different skills, personalities, experiences, backgrounds and learning styles. It is my aspiration to foster their individual strengths and help each child develop to his/her fullest potential; academically and socially. My goal is to teach them to fall in love with learning as well as always striving to achieve their own “personal best.” is for volunteers and visitors! We love having volunteers in our school! I will reach out to you again around late September early October if you are interested in volunteering in the classroom. Visitors always need to check in with the office first. is for wearing practical clothes! We try our best to keep clothing clean throughout the day but sometimes it is impossible! Please send your child to school with that in mind!
is for having eXtra clothes is for having eXtra clothes! If you find it necessary, please give me a change of clothes in a ziplock bag with your child’s name on it in case of an accident! is for YOU! Always remember you are a teacher too! There is no one who is more influential in your child’s life than you! Please read with your child every night and practice with them writing their names, always beginning with a capital letter and then continuing with lowercase letters. is for ZzZzZz...please make sure that your child gets plenty of rest each night. Setting and keeping a bedtime helps children to be alert and ready to learn each day!