Race Management for On Water Volunteers RQYS Online Training Program Session One – Signal Flags An overview
Signal Flags Broad discussion of signals – how the flags are used; Then more detail will be given during all other sections
Orange flag starting line flag starting (finishing) line flag one end of the line hoisted with one sound at least 5 minutes to warning – so can be longer
Signal Flags warning/class flag Start flags warning/class Goes up at time stated in SI usually class or division flag 5 min before the start course &/ bearing posted at or before warning/class flag
Preparatory P I Z U Black one sound going up for all preparatory flgs usually P 5 options 1 min after warning - 4 min to start racing rules apply penalties attached Stop adjusting line one sound going down – 1 min to start any penalties apply P I Z U Black
Recall Flags - Individual Code flag X Start all flags down In the case of premature starters individual recall - flag X not with U or black goes up within 4 seconds dropped when all returned / 4 min after start / 1 min no sound when dropped
Recall Flags - General Start General Recall - 1st substitute Start General Recall - 1st substitute next start ASAP 1 sound when dropped 1 min between dropping & next signal consequences if black – all boats must be identified that were OCS at the drop of the Black AP before start
Postponement AP AP over H AP over A AP over numeral over H AP, answering pennant, postponement flag races not started are postponed 1 min between dropping this and next signal over H races postponed, further signals ashore safety! over A races postponed, no more racing today over numeral pennant races postponed for 1-9 hours depending on numeral pennant AP AP over H AP over A AP over numeral
Abandonment N N over H N over A N , abandonment all races started are abandoned. return to the starting area next signal 1 min after removal something must happen N over H further signals ashore N over A no more racing today N N over H N over A
Change the bearing of the next leg Code Flag C multiple sounds Never displayed on it’s own object of a similar appearance repetitive sound signal red - next mark moved to port green - moved to starboard bearing bearing - new direction for next mark plus - increase length of next leg minus - reduce length of next leg 160o
Shorten course Code Flag S finish at that mark finish line upwind - square to the wind gate - at the gate other marks - 90o to direction from previous mark signal made as early as possible
Code flag L Code flag L ashore - a notice to competitors has been posted Code flag L afloat - come within hail or follow this boat
Rule 42 signals only used for some classes & depends on wind strength Code Flag O - rule 42 does NOT apply (OFF) Code Flag R - rule 42 applies (ON) repetitive sound signal is made when either flag is displayed when boats are on the course
What’s wrong with this picture?
What the Race Officer needs from you Be familiar with signal flags/sound signals and what they mean Check with RO before hoisting or removing any flags Make sure you have all flags needed before leaving shore Know which flags go on what halyard Have all flags ready to be used Know when to remove flags and how General
In order to be deemed Competent as an RQYS Signals person, you must be able to apply the following: Flags/Signals Person Reports to: Race Officer and Timer Key Competencies: Knows how to read and understand NOR & Sailing Instructions Can identify flags and their use Takes all timings from the Timekeeper Ensures all flags are on board before leaving harbor – replace any missing Places flags needed for the racing on the appropriate halyards Has all flags prepared and nearby if not on halyards.
In order to be deemed Competent as an RQYS Signals person (cont’d) Knows that different sounds go with different flags • responsible for ensuring the visual signals are ready for display at the appropriate times • knowledge of the visual signals as illustrated in the ‘Race Signals’ section of the RRS when to use them what message the signal is sending to the competitors when to remove a signal that is displayed.
Sounds may be made when a flag is hoisted, and when it comes down, but not always! Do you know how many sounds accompany these flags? Know what sounds go with what flag and what the following mean: Individual "X" General "1st Substitution" Class Flag “P” “Black” and “U” Abandon “N” Postpone “AP” Follow Us “L” “O” “R” “H”
Summary Race management - signals Start signals Signals after the start Other signals and why they are used
Thank you