Miss Brown ABA Classroom News Dear Parents, This week we focused staying on topic and on task during group time. The students were exposed to strategies that will promote active listening and meaningful conversations. For more information on how you can help your child fight off distractions please visit https://www.edutopia.org/discussion/7-ways-increase-students-attention-span Miss Brown ABA Classroom News 12/2/16 Dear Parents, We had a fun filled week back from break. The students did well considering they had a long weekend! We had a busy week doing fun a lot of sensory based activity! Please mark your calendars for the upcoming Family Event. This month we are inviting our parents in to see how much fun we have during music therapy. This is a great opportunity to learn some fun/effective strategies using music at low cost!. Please look forward for more information to come! The tentative date this is 12/16/16 at 12:00 P.M. Parents will be invited in for our music therapy session and to have lunch with your child! MORE INFORMATION TO COME! Holiday Fun and Family Values We will begin our study of exploring various ways that people/families celebrate the holidays. We will focus on respecting others and establishing/maintaining personal space Visit: Belikebuddy.com for some calming tips for your child During this busy time of year, adults and children can become tired and stressed. Follow the link below to find some words you can use to change your child’s behavior while maintaining your composure. http://illinoisearlylearning.org/tipsheets/wordsdiscipline.htm Parents & Me Music Therapy /Luncheon Tentative: 12/16/16 @ 12:00 In our classroom Movie /Pajama Day 12/23/16 Half Day 12/23/16
My “Owl Themed Classroom Jobs” for free! Thank you for downloading this file! l hope you find use for it in your classroom! check out my “owl Themed classroom” set for 196 more pages of owl inspired resources! http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Owl-Themed-Classroom if you would like to make your own resources with owl clip art (for personal or commercial use), see my owl clip art set! http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Owl-Clip-Art-for-Personal-and-Commercial-Use also, make sure you download my “owl Themed specials posters” http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Owl-Themed-Specials-Posters my “Welcome!” and “Read!” posters http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Owl-Themed-Welcome-and-Read-Posters My “Owl Themed Classroom Jobs” for free! http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Owl-Themed-Classroom-Jobs check out my blog at www.middlegradesmaven.blogspot.com Don’t forget to follow me on TpT for updates on new products and freebies!