Testing Pixelated Polarizers Moxtek Clinic Team Members: James J. Blue, Andrew Ostler, Eric Aui, Michael Rowley Advisor: Dr. Steve Blair University of Utah Electrical Engineering 4/26/10
Overview What is a Polarizer? What is a Pixelated Polarizer? Defects Current Testing Process Proposed Solution Conclusion [1]
What is a Polarizer? [2]
Without Polarizer With Polarizer [3]
What is a Pixelated Polarizer? Array of polarizers, each with a different orientation Used in Imaging Polarimetry Polarization Difference Imaging 3D Display Image Capture Biometric Facial Recognition Biological Analysis Military Remot Sensing Target Discrimination [1]
Target Discrimination [1]
Defects Newton Rings Shadows Repetitive!! Preventable Cleanliness [5]
Current Testing Process Take wafer from production line Break it into small pieces Analyze pieces under microscope Takes about 4-6 hours Wafers still being produced during this time [4]
Proposed Solution Polarized Laser Scan Faults occur when an incorrect amount of light is filtered X-Y Coordinate System Zoom in on defects Capture and display image Employee analyzes image with location of defect on wafer known
Conclusion Polarizers filter different polarizations of light Pixelated polarizer is an array of polarizers with different orientations Defects Current testing process slow and tedious Two step solution Saves a lot of time and money!!
Contact Information James J. Blue j.blue@utah.edu (801)664-1584 References [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wire-grid-polarizer.svg [2] http://www.photography.ca/blog/wp-content/uploads/blog-image-sept29-2008.jpg [3] http://www.moxtek.com/optics/pixelated.html [4] http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://highschool.caminonuevo.org/Student_Website/Ana_Garcia/10th%2520grade/Documents/Engineering/Microscope%2520Lab%2520Report_files/image001.jpg&imgrefurl=http://highschool.caminonuevo.org/Student_Website/Ana_Garcia/10th%2520grade/Documents/Engineering/Microscope%2520Lab%2520Report.htm&usg=__YXEYJfBUNm-wp3VTX_XytND5NXc=&h=450&w=256&sz=16&hl=en&start=16&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=8YcyyXEzvykMVM:&tbnh=127&tbnw=72&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmicroscope%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den%26tbs%3Disch:1 [5] http://www.moxtek.com/optics/PDF/Datasheets/m-patterned%20datasheets.pdf