Gifted versus Talented Presented by: Krista Harris, B.S.
Regulations for the Gifted Education Programs in Mississippi The Mississippi Gifted Education Act of 1989, as amended in 1993, mandates that each public school district within the state provide gifted education programs for intellectually gifted students in grades 2-6.
So what happens to the student with an intellectual learning disability that excels well above average in… drama? basketball? soccer? football? band? choir? art?
Gifts? Talents?
Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence Linguistic – novelists, lecturers, lawyers Logical/Mathematics – mathematicians, physicists Spatial – architects, engineers, navigators Bodily/Kinesthetic – dancers, athletes, surgeons Musical – performers, composers Interpersonal – teachers, therapists, political leaders Intrapersonal -
Frequently Asked Questions (Clark, 1997) What is meant by giftedness? Most people use the term giftedness in relation to children performing at high levels of intellectual abilities – advanced, accelerated What is meant by talented? Most people use this term to refer to high abilities in relation to performance – art, music, dance, sports Can all children become gifted/talented? All children are born with complex brain structures and extraordinary potential. If given the opportunity to develop optimally, most children could perform at the gifted level.
Giftedness vs. Talent (according to Francoys Gagné) Superior mastery of systematically developed abilities (skills) and knowledge in one or more areas of human activity Arts Sports Communications Caring services Giftedness Possession and use of untrained and spontaneously expressed natural abilities (gifts/aptitudes) in at least one ability domain Intellectual Creative Sensorimotor
“One cannot be talented without first being gifted.” Francoys Gagné However, it is possible for well above average abilities to remain as gifts (underachievement phenomenon)
References Neihart, M., Reis, S. M., Robinson, N. M., & Moon, S. M. (2002). The Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Children: What Do We Know?. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. Clark, B. (1997). Growing Up Gifted. (5th ed) New Jersey: Macmillan Publishing Company. Ford, V. R. & Gardner, H. (1997). Gifted from a multiple intelligences perspective. In N. Colangelo & G. Davis (Eds.), Handbook of Gifted Education (2nd ed, pp. 54-66). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.