Enhancement of study programs in Public Health Law, Health ERASMUS+ KA2 PROJECT: Enhancement of study programs in Public Health Law, Health Management, Health Economics and Health Informatics in Montenegro The 3rd PH-ELIM Project Coordination Meeting 27-29th June 2017 University of Heidelberg, Germany Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
Practice of public health in Montenegro Part 1 Practice of public health in Montenegro The main institution’s for providing public health in Montenegro is Institute of Public Health. Institute consists of several department: Centre for development of the health system Centre for Health Promotion The centre for Environmental Health Centre for Medical Microbiology
Practice of public health in Montenegro Part 1 Practice of public health in Montenegro In general hospitals (10 general and 2 special) there are no special public health departments. In the primary health canters (18), the public health service is organized in 12 of them. The remaining 6 health canters cover a small number of residents, so they are connected with the larger units that are bordered. The tasks of public health units in primary health institutions are: monitoring reporting implemented activities to protect the public health in the population.
Education of public health in Montenegro Part 2 Education of public health in Montenegro Undergraduate study Study programs at Faculty of Medicine (medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing and physiotherapy) have subjects of public health. Medicine and Society 3 lessons per week in one semester. Social medicine 2 lessons per week in one semester. Epidemiology 4 lessons per week in one semester. Hygiene 4 lessons per week hours of practical training in one semester.
Education of public health in Montenegro Part 2 Education of public health in Montenegro Postgraduate study Postgraduate programs are related to the specialization of doctors in different fields of medicine. Specializations related to public health are: Epidemiology. Social medicine. Hygiene. Occupational medicine. These specializations last four years.
Medical faculty organize PhD. study in Public health. Part 2 Education of public health in Montenegro PhD. study Medical faculty organize PhD. study in Public health.