Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
The Incredible Worth of a Woman Selected Scriptures Historically related to bearing children Feminism has changed the basis for worth to more typically masculine traits
God’s Design of a Woman Physically – to bear children Emotionally – to nurture
The Tragedy of “Feminism” Basic premise – your not important unless you do what men do. Result: Increasing ulcers, high blood pressure, heart attack, nervous breakdowns & other stress symptoms.
The Tragedy of “Feminism” Abortion on demand It is about power – not the woman The life in her womb is called something other than “baby” / “child” It is a deadly strike against one of the unique aspects of being a woman
The Blessings of Children / Motherhood Psalm 127:3; 128:3 Genesis 24:60 – Rebekah Ruth 4:11,12 Proverbs 23:24-25; 10:1; 29:15 Proverbs The future of her family & society are in her hands
The Blessings of being a Wife Genesis 1 Creation was mostly good The first “not good” – Gen. 2:18 – Adam without Eve After Eve – Creation was “very good” Proverbs 18:22; 31:10
Notable Biblical Women Miriam – Exodus 15 Deborah – Judges 4 – also Jael Huldah – 2 Kings 22 Anna – Luke 2:36 Phoebe, Prisca, Mary, Tryphaena, Tryphosa, & Julia – Romans 16
Notable “Firsts” of Women Announcement of Jesus’ coming At crucifixion, burial & grave Announcement of Jesus’ resurrection Proclaimed Jesus’ resurrection First convert in Europe - Lydia
Neither God nor His Word, the Bible, are anti-woman
There are consequences to stepping out of proper role Men are shamed Women become proud & sin in usurping the role / responsibility of the men.
The Incredible Worth of a Woman It is found in her fulfilling God’s design for her as a woman and as a unique individual. It cannot be found in the things our society values. It is in being faithful to use whatever gift / ministry God give you to His glory
The Incredible Worth of a Woman Don’t let society / “feminism” take away your value as a woman Find your worth in God & His plan for you. Rejoice in the wonderful privilege you have in being created by God as a woman
Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ