Date of download: 10/29/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Scala-Tympani Phantom With Cochleostomy and Round-Window Openings for Cochlear-Implant Insertion Experiments J. Med. Devices. 2014;8(4):041010-041010-10. doi:10.1115/1.4027617 Figure Legend: The method to generate the cochlear view of Fig. 3 is summarized. (a) While the X-ray and film plane are maintained orthogonal to each other, the skull is positioned against the film such that the angle between it and the midsagittal plane is approximately 50 deg. (b) Next, the skull is adjusted so that the angle between the X-ray and the infraorbitomeatal plane (IOP) is near zero. Upon completion, the modiolar axis is nearly parallel to the X-ray. Modified image from Ref. [10] reproduced with permission of Wolters Kluwer Health.