Texting While Driving Ashley Davis Eric Dye
Introduction Texting While Driving Possible consequences of texting while driving Educate drivers Research studies Distracted Driving
Task Work with a partner to create either a brochure, flyer, PowerPoint, advertisement, etc. What it must contain: “Catchy slogan” for the title What are the laws in your state for texting while driving? What changes would you make to the laws? Include statistics for cell phone use while driving. What points would you make to persuade someone to stop texting while driving? Picture
Process Resources for texting while driving Statistics for the National Safety Council State Laws Teen Texting While Driving Caused Deadly Asheville Accident Driving While Distracted: Statistics To Know Car Accident Cell Phone Statistics SADD Video of Rap
Evaluation 3 Excellent 2 Average 1 Below Average Creativity Above average work Basic Work Very basic work Includes all questions Includes all 6 questions Includes 4 Includes less than 4 Neatness/ Organization Very organized Some organization Items are scattered Slogan Excellent slogan that draws the reader in. Good Slogan No slogan
Conclusion When you text and drive you are not only endangering yourself but also others. The people driving around you could be your family or friends. Here’s what Dr. Phil has to say about it.