MANE-VU Emissions Inventory Update


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Presentation transcript:

MANE-VU Emissions Inventory Update Megan Schuster, MANE-VU/MARAMA June 11, 2004

Completed EI Projects Open Burning emissions inventory Ammonia emissions inventory from cement plants, industrial refrigeration, composting and publicly owned treatment works A total of 19,049 tons/year of ammonia emissions from POTWs, composting, industrial refrigeration and cement kilns in the MANE-VU region.

Completed EI projects (cont.) Residential wood combustion survey and EI MANE-VU PM2.5 inventory = 140,041 tons Includes pellet stoves and furnace/boilers Factor to convert wood consumption (cords) to tons = 1.8 tons/cord (more responses of hardwood burning) Bottom up inventory from census tract level PM2.5 NEI for MANE-VU region = 77,393 tons Does not include pellet stoves or furnace/boilers Factor used to convert volume to mass = 1.163 tons/cord National stats allocated to regions, then to counties

Area and Point Source Modeling EI Pechan under contract, subcontractors UNC and RWDI (Canadian) Summaries/ comparisons of 99v3NEI and 2002 NEI for MANE-VU – completed Review and recommend method to develop fire, fugitive dust emissions, temporal, spatial, and speciation profiles – due June 2004 Developing Canadian fire inventory for part of Canada that is in Eastern domain – workplan available June, emissions – Sept/Oct

Area and Point Source Modeling EI Will compile/QA state submitted CERRs, supplement with MANE-VU EI projects, and NEI where appropriate Stakeholder review taking place in Aug/Sept Inventory by Sept/Oct 2004 Will be collecting other RPO inventories in Sept

Mobile source EI (onroad and nonroad) Based on state data/ CERR submittals By July, draft mobile inputs and nonroad emissions for region By September, final mobile and nonroad inputs for SMOKE and EMS will be available

MANE-VU Projects – next year Projections – mid-term year(?), 2018 Use of IPM? Sensitivity analysis of control strategy emission inventory projections Update MANE-VU 2002 Emissions inventory

Inter-RPO Emissions Inventory data warehouse project Project idea: Develop a simple easy to use data warehouse system to store QA’d data, and with capabilities of expanding in the future (if desired) Inter-RPO funds = $150,000 MANE-VU is tasked with managing the project Need technical workgroup- at least one person from each RPO Need to develop RFP soon, so it is ready to go when the funds are here! (MAYBE) Scheduling/ funding problems…

MANE-VU AQ Modeling & EI Processing MODELING : Contribution Assessment (Base & Control Scenarios) AQ MODELs : REMSAD V7.10 (Source Tagging), CMAQ, CALPUFF, and Source Apportionment METEOROLOGY - Present : Clear Skies Act (CSA) base year 1996 annual MM5 model run - Future : 12km Eastern Domain (by UMD & NY DEC)

MANE-VU AQ Modeling & EI Processing EI DEVELOPMENT - Present : CSA 2001”Proxy” emissions - Near Future : VISTAS 2002 inventory (by Greg Stella) - Next year : MANE-VU EI (MARAMA/PECHAN) EI PROCESSING - Basic processing has been done by SMOKE - Applying emissions tagging program (in-house) to analyze state-by-state and facility-by-facility contribution - Applying control scenarios to tagged facilities/states/species to analyze contribution change

MANE-VU AQ Modeling & EI Processing - Timeframe for Results Contribution assessment with preliminary REMSAD, CALPUFF, CMAQ and Source Apportionment Techniques (Sept 2004) 2002 Meteorology and Inventory (Feb 2005) Final performance evaluation (Summer 2005) Refined Modeling and Analysis (Dec 2005) Final strategy modeling and remaining regulatory analyses – (2006-7 varies by state)