Suggestions: cycle paths Sidewalks Punctual public transportation Improve the streets Electric transportation Bike sharing
Cycle paths The streets are made for cars, but not only vehicles are using them. People should have the chance to ride their bikes as well.
Sidewalks There aren’t many sidewalks, and those that we already have are not big enough. That can be dangerous.
Punctual public transportation Transportation is seldom on time. It is not very efficient.
Improve the streets Streets that are badly built can cause accidents because they are often not very clear.
Electric transportation Using electricity for our daily use in our vehicles is better for the environment but it also helps the pedestrians breath when taking a walk on the streets.
Bike sharing Bike sharing is really useful because people who don’t have the money to buy one can rent one. Also, one bike can be used by a lot of people, its like sharing with a friend.