ATPIX65A: presentation and very preliminary results A. Mekkaoui (LBNL)
Motivation To explore the capabilities of advanced CMOS processes to address future HEP needs (upgrades, SLHC?, ) To have a feel of what is the best way these processes should be used to maximize ROI. To evaluate radiation hardness (mainly SEU and new damage mechanisms, if any!) To keep abreast of the state of the art (if one can). These technologies are already considered “mainstream” for certain application segments.
Why 65nm ? The only more advanced available processes are the TSMC 40/45 nm. (cost >>) CERN is considering the 65nm as their next advanced process to explore Chosen for the HIPPO/POM (here at the lab) HIPPO: High-Speed Image Pre-Processor with Oversampling (fast CCD RO) POM: Processor Of Muons
Why TSMC? Presently the only reliable source (twice a month thru MOSIS) Chosen by the hippo project (we are only piggy-backing)
HIPPO Block diagram (Carl Grace)
Pixel FE (65nm mockup) Config memory: 10b triple redudant with auto-correction + shift register + readback Capabilities (Common with hippo) Comparator TDAC “Simplified” FEND schematics Not routed yet Work in progress Preamp
Pixel region (2X2) a la FEI4 if implemented in 65nm Region logic synthesized from FEI4 verilog. Neither complete nor verified. Just to have an idea on what is possible (Thanks Dario) ~FEI4 AFE equivalent Pixel size=50X100 (?)
FIE4 pixel region Vs Pix65nm region (assuming y=50u) FEI4 2X2 REGION (100X500) “FEI5” 2X2 REGION (100X200) Ultimately the width of a pixel will limited by practical considerations (power distribution) and not the number of transistors!
Snapshot of submitted array Analog FE Config. Logic Future Digital Region nXm pixels 25 mm y cell pitch but 50mm bump y picth. Power distribution will be major factor in the ultimate minumum dimensions Bump mask not part of the submitted layout (same size as FEI4)
Pixel Bloc Diagram
Fend Bloc diagram TDAC (+/- tuning) Inject Bloc Preamp. 17fF Feeback cap. Variable “Rff” Single to differential+ Comparator “preamp” Comparator
ATPIX65A chip (16X32 array) Pixels with Added Diodes (row 11:31) mimcaps (31,27,18) Pixels with Added Diodes (row 11:31)
Some simulation results (preamp output) Pixels with Added mimcaps (31,27,18) Pixels with Added Diodes (row 11:31)
Some simulation results (qin=1ke-, 2 qth settings) PreampOut Diff. out. Qth < Qin Hit Out Diff. out. Qth > Qin Hit Out
ENC Vs Cdet for # Preamp currents
Preliminary test results (ENC distribution) (analysis program still under scrutiny) May be !
Preliminary test results (ENC distribution by column) Green DOT == low quality error function fit! Column 15: few Pixels with diodes Column 0: 4 pixels with caps!!!
Preliminary test results (Threshold histogram) Green DOT == low quality error function fit! s > than FEI4 (as expected!) Column 15: few Pixels with diodes Column 0: 4 pixels with caps!!!
Preliminary test results (Threshold distribution by col)
Conclusions Good very preliminary results. No major bad surprise so far. Absolute calibration is needed “Parasitic” injection not according to “plan” (new simulations needed to understand) Seems to be a sound basis for a “real” new pixel chip. Radiation and SEU test: very interesting.
AREA OF ARM11 CORES PPA ARM1176 Process Geometry TSMC65LP TSMC 65GP TSMC 40G Performance (DMIPS) 603 965 1238 Performance (Coremarks) 1002 1605 2058 Frequency * (MHz) 482 772 990 Total area (mm2) 1.75 1.94 1.17 Power efficiency (DMIPS/mW) 3 6 12 Dynamic power (mW/MHz) ** 0.41 0.208 0.105 Source: