Lawyer’s specialisation French response to market concerns Workshop in Katowice April 15th 2016
To give lawyers visibility on the market place Lawyer’s specialisation French response to market concerns Katowice, April 15, 2016 Objectives: To give lawyers visibility on the market place To ensure customers of a real competence To encourage continuous training of lawyers
Highligths: Head of lawyer’s profession in charge of system Lawyer’s specialisation French response to market concerns Katowice, April 15, 2016 Highligths: Head of lawyer’s profession in charge of system Public authorities approving specialisation fields Possibility to precisely define specialisation fields
Lawyer’s specialisation French response to market concerns Katowice, April 15, 2016 Procedure: To apply requires a four years of professional experience in considered field of expertise, not exclusively as a lawyer Objective of procedure is to ensure of effective professionnal activity in concerned field Objective is also to ensure of a real expertise
Practical issues regarding the exam: Lawyer’s specialisation French response to market concerns Katowice, April 15, 2016 Practical issues regarding the exam: Rules in force : examination board to ensure professional skills a file to be prepared by applicant professionnal and not academic exam Ethic issues are concerned as well
Concerned field of specialisation: Lawyer’s specialisation French response to market concerns Katowice, April 15, 2016 Concerned field of specialisation: Twenty six specialisations are proposed to applicants Applicants can request to adapt specialisation to their own professional expertise Head of profession closely controls delivery of these specifics mentions
Continuous training obligations: Lawyer’s specialisation French response to market concerns Katowice, April 15, 2016 Continuous training obligations: All lawyers have to comply with a 20 hours a year training Those who are recognised as specialists have to comply with a 10 hours a year training in their own field of expertise
About 80% of success at the exam Number of specialists is decreasing Lawyer’s specialisation French response to market concerns Katowice, April 15, 2016 Issues and concerns: About 80% of success at the exam Number of specialists is decreasing Examination board must not consider the exam as an university exam List of specialisations has to change in order to adapt to new fields of expertise
Comments as a conclusion: Lawyer’s specialisation French response to market concerns Katowice, April 15, 2016 Comments as a conclusion: Communication must serve expertise Head of profession has to promote specialisations As a national system, specialisation is serving unity of lawyer profession