Explorer Jeopardy Created by: Mr. Doak Directions Conclusion Play


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Presentation transcript:

Explorer Jeopardy Created by: Mr. Doak Directions Conclusion Play References

Directions Welcome to Jeopardy Choose a category starting preferably to the left and move to your right Once you chose a category move down from 100 to 500 points. When the column is finished then move to the next column, for example addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, and then algebra. Play Title Conclusion References

Explorers Game Purpose Obstacles Sponsors Achievement Where? 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 200 Points 200 Points 200 Points 200 Points 200 Points 300 Points 300 Points 300 Points 300 Points 300 Points 400 Points 400 Points 400 Points 400 Points 400 Points 500 Points 500 Points 500 Points 500 Points 500 Points Title Directions Conclusion References

What did Christopher Columbus believe he would accomplish by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean? Continue

He believed that he could find the Indies by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean. Continue

What was Balboa’s purpose for exploring? Continue

To find new land for Spain and a quick overland route to the Pacific Continue

What was Ponce de Leon’s purpose for exploring? Continue

To find gold and the “fountain of youth” Continue

What was John Cabot’s purpose for exploring? Continue

To find a better way to Asia Continue

What was Henry Hudson’s purpose for exploring? Continue

To discover the Northwest Passage to Asia Continue

What was an obstacle to Henry Hudson? Continue

His crew mutinied in the cold climate. Continue

What was an obstacle to Jacques Cartier? Continue

The sailors caught diseases. Continue

What was an obstacle to John Cabot? Continue

No maps Continue

What was an obstacle to Ponce de Leon? Continue

Fighting with Native Americans Continue

What was an obstacle to Henry Hudson? Continue

His crew mutinied in the cold climate Continue

Who sponsored Henry Hudson? Continue

England Continue

Who sponsored John Cabot? Continue

England Continue

Who sponsored Balboa? Continue

Spain Continue

Who sponsored Juan Ponce de Leon Continue

Spain Continue

Who sponsored Columbus’ voyage? Continue

Spain Continue

What did John Cabot achieve? Continue

He explored the eastern coast of Canada where the fish were plentiful. Continue

What did Henry Hudson achieve? Continue

He sailed up the Hudson River in present-day New York Continue

What did Jacques Cartier achieve? Continue

He sailed over 1000 miles along the St. Lawrence River Continue

What did John Cabot achieve? Continue

He explored the eastern coast of Canada where fish were plentiful. Continue

What did Vasco Nunez de Balboa achieve? Continue

He crossed Panama and became the first European to reach the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. Continue

Where in the New World did Balboa explore? Continue

Present day Panama in Central America Continue

Where in the New World did John Cabot explore? Continue

The eastern coast of Canada Continue

Where in the New World did Ponce de Leon explore? Continue

Florida Continue

Where in the New World did Henry Hudson explore? Continue

Canada; the Hudson River, Hudson Bay area Continue

Where in the New World did Jacques Cartier explore? Continue

The St. Lawrence River area of Canada Continue


References Play Title Directions Conclusion