Career and counseling services Monika Sutrop and Kadri Kiiskmann Career Counselor and Student Counsellor Career Centre
Career Centre 26/08/2016 Career Centre
We help: make conscious decisions be more successful in studies and work life after University 26/08/2016 Career Centre
Peer counseling Tutors - Peer support program> Sutdent life-> Student Support Services->Tutors 26/08/2016 Career Centre
Counseling Career counseling (individual and groups) Psychological counseling Counseling concerning special needs 26/08/2015 Career Centre
Career counseling -> in English -> in English -> Student life ->Student Support Services - > Career Services Milliste teemadega pöörduda ülikooli sisseastumine ja eriala valik eneseanalüüs ja -testid, ajaplaneerimine ja enesejuhtimine töö otsimine ja tööle kandideerimine CV ja kaaskirjade koostamine ettevalmistumine tööintervjuuks õpingute ja töötamise ühildamine. 26/08/2015 Career Centre
Topics for Career Counseling Student candidates Skills and abilities (awareness, tests) Change of study programs Career planning Job search CV and job interview Combining work and studies 26/08/2015 Career Career
Career seminars, Job offers Job offers stand Career list Central Job and internship database 26/08/2016 Career Centre
different expectations different teaching methods Studying abroad different system different expectations different teaching methods difficulties with concentrating, organizing time and material
Psychological Counseling Common problems are: feeling isolated missing what is familiar (being home-sick) cultural differences compared to the local culture, understanding local people difficulties in communication lowered academic performance (due to these stressful factors) feeling depressed, anxious different climate language barriers personal relationships
If you feel down already... Recognize that what you experience is normal and very common Reach out to friends and others for help instead of withdrawing, even though it may be difficult Give yourself and you experience here another chance Use all the support that the university is offering
Student Counselor sessions are individual confidential Languages spoken: English, Estonian Contact: Kadri Kiiskmann E-mail: 26/08/2015 Career Centre
Thank you! Our Contact: +372 620 3518 Ruum U0I-221 26/08/2016 Career Centre