Centers Hatching Initiative for Realizing Potential Funded by RSA
CURRENTS CHIRP Project Goals Training Process Materials Evaluations Housekeeping Introductions
“We know that communication is a problem, but the company is not going to discuss it with the employees." (Switching supervisor, AT&T Long Lines Division)
University of Arkansas CURRENTS CURRENTS - Center for the Utilization of Rehabilitation Resources for Education, Networking, Training, and Service We serve Region 6 though our various grants Arkansas Louisiana New Mexico Oklahoma Texas IL Net Independent Living Program serves Regions 6 & 8
The Basics – CURRENTS LEADERSHIP Customer SUPPORT A values-based skill set that includes systems thinking, ethics guided decision making, creative problem solving, and responsible stewardship of Rehabilitation and Independent Living. Customer SUPPORT Activities and products designed to assist Region VI customers in creating and or maintaining a comprehensive system of programs and personnel development.
The Basics – CURRENTS RESPONSIVENESS TECHNOLOGY Activities and products designed in response to customer feedback, specific requests, and emerging trends in the fields of rehabilitation and independent living. TECHNOLOGY The application of existing and emerging technologies to enhance productivity and effectiveness of our customers.
The Team Carri George Julie Ballinger MeShelle Lincks
“It takes a village to raise a child.” PROJECT GOALS By focusing on the common goal of successfully transitioning young people with disabilities to adult roles in their communities we will: Improve cooperative working relationships between CILs, the SILC, the DSU and other relevant agencies in the State of Texas Develop tools, techniques and strategies for CILs to add value to transition services in the State of Texas. Build communities of support for youth in transition by strengthening collaboration. Develop evidence-based practices for replication across the country.
Year 1 Think Tank Developed Curriculum Collaboration with the Voc Rehab Program How CILs can add value to the Youth Transition Begin visioning and strategic planning Texas Incubator Group Reviewed Curriculum Begin Round I Training with Pilot CILs CBCIL – September 2006
Year 2 Complete Training with Pilot CILs PILC – December 2006 ARCIL – January 2007 Think Tank, Texas Incubator & Pilot CILs provide feedback Then we do Round I Training with rest of the Texas CIL Pilot CILs assist and support
Year 3 Using the input & evaluation process (Think Tank, Texas Incubator, and Pilot CILs) will develop Round II Training Marketing and Consultant Skills Youth Self-Direction Skills Do Round II Training Pilot CILs Rest of Texas CILs
Year 4 & 5 Evaluate project goal attainment Provide TA as needed Think Tank will provide peer mentoring to other states Texas CILs will peer mentor in the IL Net / APRIL Peer Mentoring Program Web-based training and resources available
Goals for this training Round I Goals for this training
Focusing on Transition of Youth From School To Adult Roles CIL and VR staff = Collaboration Develop vision & plan contributions = Adding value to youth transition process Prepare take the lead in bringing other collaborators to the table Why only CIL and VR Staff in this training? Understand the Texas structure & legislative requirements of education transition services.
How Will We Accomplish These Goals?
Training Process Begin Collaboration Process Develop a Common Vision Texas Youth Transition Vital Information Examine Presents Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Define Your Unique Role in Youth Transitioning Begin Strategic Planning to Achieve Your Vision
Handouts – Printed Materials and CD Evaluations – very important! Housekeeping Bathrooms Snacks and Lunch Introductions Let’s Begin!