What is a Literary Fingerprint? http://www.physorg.com/news179651371.html http://iopscience.iop.org/1367-2630/11/12/123015 What are some of the issues in creating 'fingerprint' Where else do fingerprints occur? What is www.shazam.com What is www.tineye.com How do we go from sets to frequency analysis? Toward understanding Python dictionary data type
How do you read words from file? I exist solely as the Canis Familiaris 'Bassett' I ain't nothin' but a hound-dog
Six of one and half-a-dozen … def wordsFromFile3(filename): file = open(filename) words = [] for line in file: for w in line.split(): words.append(w) file.close() return words Change one line to get all words in lowercase equivalent See CommonWords.py
Six of one and half-a-dozen … def wordsFromFile2(filename): file = open(filename) words = [] for line in file: words.extend(line.split()) file.close() return words Change one line to get all words in lowercase equivalent See CommonWords.py
Six of one and half-a-dozen … def wordsFromFile(filename): file = open(filename) words = file.read().split() file.close() return words Change one line to get all words in lowercase equivalent See CommonWords.py Reasoning about common words
How do we find 'common words' Should common words be included in our literary fingerprint? Where do authoritative sources originate? Determinable? How can we experiment and compare common files? Using Python sets! Words in one set that aren't in another? How do we do this in Python? How do we find words in all sets? Is intersection an associative operation? Do we care?
Set Operations from pictures http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Venn0111.svg
APTs for practice: great minds … Membercheck and SimpleWordGame Set idioms List comprehensions Understandable code Why do we study more than one way to …? Expressive power Neuronal excitement Creating connections We don't have to