Malý zverinec anglických idiomatických spojení Autor projektu: Mgr. Ján Nemec
Dear friends ! Welcome to the little zoo of English idiomatic expressions.
We will be dealing with these pets: a horse a monkey a fish a dog a bird And me?????????????
Read the definition for each idiom: Monkey business Dishonest or bad behaviour
There are more plenty fish in the sea used for telling someone whose boyfrienf or girlfriend has left them that they will soon have another relationship
Count sheep To imagine sheep and count them as a way of making yourself go to sleep
From the horse´s mouth Information from the horse´s mouth comes from someone who is directly involved
A dog´s life the life that is very misreable, without any excitement
And me???????????
Complete the text with the pictures. I have a friend Peter who says he has a ´s life. He is involved in a business, which is the information I have from the ´s mouth. Moreover, Peter gets up very late because he cannot get to sleep.
Neither counting does not help. This might be the reason why his girlfriend broke up with him. But I say there are plenty more in the sea.
Well- done! I hope you enjoyed learning idioms and did not get too tired. If you cannot fall asleep because of tiring work, take my advice. Try counting ?
Get it?
Použitá literatúra: Macmillan dictionary At last: On the stage.