When you bamboozle someone, you fool, cheat, or trick them. Guess what these words mean based on how they are used in context. Once you have made your guess, look the word up to see if you are correct! Use your dictionary 1. On his resume, Scott went out of his way to accentuate his best traits and skills. 2. The criminal hoped his disguise would bamboozle the police. When you accentuate something, you make it more noticeable or prominent. When you bamboozle someone, you fool, cheat, or trick them. © Presto Plans
Objectives SWBAT define, identify, and explain personification, metaphors, allusion, similes, idioms, hyperboles, alliteration, imagery, and onomatopoeias. SWBAT activate prior knowledge and analyze use of figurative language. SWBAT analyze the effect of figurative language in texts.
Announcements Summer Reading Project is due 9/6/2017; Everyone is required to complete this assignment.
Homework Complete the “Color By Number” Figurative Language Worksheet; This is due on Friday, (9/1/17). Work on your summer reading project; This is next Wednesday (9/7).
Figurative Language Notes You should have a total of 8 DIFFERENT figurative language cards on your desk. Notice that I’ve already taken the notes and given examples to you! This should just be a review! Lightly color each of the figurative language cards. Cut and glue them across two pages in the “Reading Notes” section of your notebook.
Figurative Language practice (Mack’s Dilemma) In partners, use your notes to help complete the figurative language practice. As a class, we will read the text aloud. In partners, read the text once more. Then underline and label each piece of figurative language you find. Use the key and your notes to help you!
Brain Break!
Science? Plant Growth? Using your knowledge of science, can a plant successfully grow through concrete? Why or why not? Sentence Stem: Yes/No, a plant can/cannot grow through concrete. I know this because a plant needs ____________.