Lessons on eLearning Implementations Rebecca Pretorius Illustration by Ben_Wiseman 18 May 2017
Key eLearning Implementations
1. Gauteng ICT eLearning project Launched in 2015 Phase 1 schools full ICT schools (Grades 7-12) = 7 Phase 2 schools (Grade 12) = 373 (2000 classrooms) Phase 3 schools (Grade 11 and full ICT schools (Grades 7-12) = 377 (2180 classrooms) Over 4000 servers, 9000 laptops, 90 000 tablets, 3000 SmartBoards, hundreds of thousands of ebooks Logistics, hardware, software, training and support (GDE; Sci-Bono; Mathhew Goniwe School of Leadership; Bongani Rainmaker; Pearson; VastraTech; Snapplify etc.
2. Pearson KZN eLearning research project 12 rural and urban primary schools and high schools To measure the development of subject specific skills and learner results in Maths, Science and English FAL over the course of an eLearning implementation To measure the learner’s and teacher’s ability to use digital tools and resources
3. Pearson eLearning pilot in the Xhariep District Full LAN and WAN connectivity Pearson LMS implementation with videos, assessments, interactive activities and Platinum eBooks 180 learners 180 tablets 6 SmartBoards Laptops Change Management workshops Onsite, full-time training and support Diagnostic tests and Maths intervention External evaluation
The way an institution implements a Learning technology is the single most significant element that affects the outcomes
Create a plan Capacitate teachers to carry out the plan 3. Put Technology in place to support your plan 4. Have everyone implement and follow up the plan
Figure out the why and the how Start small 1. Create a plan Figure out the why and the how Start small
2. Capacitate teachers to support the plan Success begins and ends with the teachers
Training best practice How training is done When training is done What is trained on
3. Put Technology in place to support your plan Devices FS POC
Best practice for devices Full device management policy in place, enforced and visible for everyone Tablets to be owned/fully managed by school with consequences and penalties in place for damage/loss etc. Full MDM (Mobile Device Management) in place for tablets to push apps, manage devices, monitor devices, block sites etc.
3. Put Technology in place to support your plan Devices Connectivity/Bandwidth Delivery of content
4. Have everyone implement and follow up the plan Success begins and ends with the teachers