but and although We can use but and although to make a contrast. Although is more typical of careful or formal speech or writing. Maria felt ill, but she went to school. Maria went to school although she was ill. The clause with although can come at the beginning. Although she was ill, Maria went to school.
We can emphasize but and although with still and anyway. Maria felt ill, but she went to school anyway. Maria felt ill, but she still went to school. Although she was ill, Maria went to school anyway. We can use yet instead of but in writing. Maria felt ill, yet she went to school
We can use but and although to make a contrast We can use but and although to make a contrast. Although is more t y pi cal of careful or formal speech or writing. Maria felt ill, but she went to school. Maria went to school although she was ill. The clause with although can come at the beginning. Although she was ill, Maria went to school.
We can use though like although in informal speech and writing We can use though like although in informal speech and writing. We often make two separate sentences and put though at the end. Maria went to school. She was ill, though
While and whereas can be used in formal speech and writing to compare two facts and emphasize the difference between them. While/Whereas some experts expect the Government to win the election, most believe that the opposition will win
Despite and in spite of are also used to make a contrast Despite and in spite of are also used to make a contrast. But they are followed by a noun or noun phrase (not subject + verb like although) . The -ing form of the verb acts like a noun here. Despite her illness, Maria went to school. Despite being ill, Maria went to school. In spite of her illness, Maria went to school . In spite of being ill, Maria went to school
However introduces or completes a contrasting sentence However introduces or completes a contrasting sentence. However always has punctuation before and after. Maria was ill. However, she went to school. Maria went to school. She was ill, however. However is more common in formal speech and writing.
On the other hand introduces a contrasting opinion On the other hand introduces a contrasting opinion. It is more common in formal speech and writing. Television has many advantages. It keeps us informed about the latest news,
and also provides entertainment in the home and also provides entertainment in the home. On the other hand , television has been blamed for the violent behavior of some young people , and for encouraging children to sit indoors, instead of taking exercise. Words like but, although and however are called 'linking words'
1st Quiz:A Complete the sentences with suitable word: 1- It’s too late to catch a bus. I’ll have to get a taxi home. 2- I have so much work to do this evening. 3- I have too few euros in my bank account to go to holiday this year. 4- Andrew ate so many cakes that he could hardly walk. B- Rewrite each sentence using the word in bold: 1- I stayed at home because I felt really tired. (so) I felt really tired, so I stayed at home. 2- There weren’t enough seats for all the guests. (many) There were too many guests and not enough seats. 3- Although it was hot, Dina wore her winter clothes. (Despite) Despite the heat, Dina wore her winter clothes. .