What might conversations between early colonists have been like? Say What? What might conversations between early colonists have been like?
The Mayflower lands on Cape Cod The Mayflower Compact The Mayflower lands on Cape Cod
Mom:. Thank God. We finally landed in the New World to Mom: Thank God! We finally landed in the New World to start our new lives. Friend: Yes, even though we landed in the wrong place because of the violent storms. Daughter: What was the meeting on the ship about? Friend: Didn’t you get a chance to listen? Mom: They were writing and agreeing on the Mayflower Compact.
Daughter: What’s a compact? Friend: It’s some agreement. Mom: A compact is an a agreement that everyone signs for equal laws.
Friend: Does the compact make equal laws to protect us? Mom: Yes, it does. Daughter: Didn’t they sign the compact because of the problems the people of Jamestown had? Friend: Yes, now we have laws in place so we can have a successful colony.
Plymouth colonists meet the Native Americans The Natives Plymouth colonists meet the Native Americans
Samoset: Welcome Englishmen. William: Hello, my name is William Bradford and I am the leader of the English colony. Can you help us? We have not eaten in days. Samoset: Well, we can plant pumpkin, squash, corn, and teach you where to fish. Squanto : It is best to fish in the ocean with a net. William: What else can you teach us?
Squanto: Well, we can teach you where to hunt, too. Samoset: We can show you where the best hunting spots are. Narrator: One year later. William: Thank you for helping our families and for helping us in our time of need. We shall have a feast in honor of our first harvest. Samoset: Thank you for inviting us to your harvest feast. William: From this day forward we shall call it Thanksgiving. Squanto: Thank you so much. You are very kind people.
The trial of Anne Hutchinson Sedition The trial of Anne Hutchinson
Judge:. Order. Order. Order. A Puritan leader is here accusing Judge: Order! Order! Order! A Puritan leader is here accusing Anne Hutchinson on sedition charges. That means that Anne, you are being accused of speaking against the Puritan church. Defendant, come up to the stands. Do you have anything to say? Anne: I didn’t do it. Judge: Can you prove it? Anne: Yes, I was just trying to tell people they have the right to have freedom of religion. Accuser: I object.
Judge: Accuser, come up to the stand. Do you know why she’s guilty? Accuser: I say she’s guilty because she preached against the Puritan church. Judge: Now, the jury will make a decision. Jury, have you made your final decision. Jury: Yes, Anne Hutchinson is guilty. Judge: You are found guilty by a jury of your peers. You are expelled from the Puritan church. Guards see her out of town.
Roger Williams Expulsion
Narrator:. In 1631, Roger Williams and his family left Narrator: In 1631, Roger Williams and his family left England and arrived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. They settled in the village of Salem, where Roger Williams became a minister. Roger: I come before you today to say everyone should have the freedom of religion, to believe whatever he or she wants. Eli: We are here to discuss the problems Mr. Roger Williams is causing in the community regarding religious beliefs.
Prudence:. Eli, do you think we should kick him out of the Prudence: Eli, do you think we should kick him out of the colony since he’s causing so many problems? Eli: I am not sure. Prudence: Why have you been preaching against the Puritan religion? Roger: I have different beliefs. Eli: Well , I think your punishment should be death.
Roger: GASP!!!!! Prudence: No, that’s too harsh. Let’s kick him out of the colony. Eli: Yes, let’s ask the colony guards to throw him out. Guards: We are here to take you to the edge of town. You are never to return. Roger: Fine! I don’t want to be here anyway. ROGER EXITS!!!
The Project These plays are from a project we are working on, to make a movie that we will burn to DVD as part of our school’s “Digital Kids” program The next slides tell some things we discussed about making the plays
What we think about making our plays They could have been longer- Daniel What happened to these people next?-Andy I was surprised about the kind of clothes people wore back then-Claudia We needed to look up more stuff on the Virginia Company- Ivana You should never turn your back on a camera- Zoe
More comments To make the skit more realistic, we should have done more research- Katherine I would do some more research- Andrea I was surprised about the Indians- Nick We needed to know more about how people talked during this time- Paul I still want to know more about Anne Hutchinson- Andrew
Last Comments I would like to learn about what they ate- Donnie I was surprised at what they wore- Cara We needed more people to do realistic skits- Michael
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