What is ? CORUS is a web-, mobile-, and desktop-based app that enables secure communications between individuals and care teams within the healthcare delivery environment. CORUS supports notification and messaging to a multitude of mobile devices including: pagers, cell phones, smart phones and VOIP phones. CORUS uses information from the EMR to organize messaging groups around the patient. This makes care coordination, communication of critical findings and status of orders simpler and more efficient than traditional communications.
What is ?
Locate the “SEARCH” button at the top of the screen How Do I SEARCH in ? Locate the “SEARCH” button at the top of the screen
Enter your search term - results populate as you type How Do I SEARCH in ? Enter your search term - results populate as you type
You can even show only certain result types How Do I SEARCH in ? You can even show only certain result types
Or apply advanced filters to your results How Do I SEARCH in ? Or apply advanced filters to your results
Select your recipient by clicking in the results below How Do I SEARCH in ? Select your recipient by clicking in the results below
If your intended recipient has never used CORUS, you’ll see this How Do I SEARCH in ? If your intended recipient has never used CORUS, you’ll see this
To close the search screen, click the “X” in the right corner How Do I SEARCH in ? To close the search screen, click the “X” in the right corner
Enter your text in the box How Do I MESSAGE in ? Enter your text in the box
Then click the paper airplane How Do I MESSAGE in ? Then click the paper airplane
How Do I EDIT SETTINGS in ? Settings are controlled via myProfile
Support https://portalcontent.johnshopkins.edu/CORUS/ info@teamcorus.com (410) 955-HELP