have + pp (has) (過去分詞) Unit 7 Grammar (1) Present Perfect Tense (現在完成式) have + pp (has) (過去分詞)
A verb has “three tenses(三個時態)” : present tense past tense past participle (現在式) (過去式) (過去分詞) am/is was been are were been work worked worked change changed changed travel traveled traveled blow blew blown shake shook shaken sing sang sung
Verbs are divided(被區分) into two kinds: Regular verbs (規則變化動詞) V + ed Ex: walk walked walked bake baked baked
(2) Irregular verbs(不規則變化動詞) Ex: see saw seen send sent sent take took taken go went gone put put put **We need to memorize(記住) the three tenses of all the irregular verbs which we have learned.**
We use “present perfect tense(現在完成式)” to let people know what has been done up to now(到現在為止什麼事情被完成了). Present Perfect Tense 公式 have + pp (past participle) (過去分詞)
Sentences in present perfect tense(現在完成式): I have finished my homework. (我已經做完功課) They have sent gifts to the orphans. (他們已經寄了禮物給孤兒) He has put out the fire. (他已經把火滅了)
Negative(否定的) sentences in present perfect tense: I have not(haven’t) finished my homework They have not(haven’t) sent the gifts to the orphans. He has not(hasn’t) put out the fire.
Exercise (A): Write the sentences in present perfect tense(現在完成式) based on the key words. I / hear / it / before. (hear heard heard) I / not / hear / it / before. They / go / to see an opera. (go went gone) They /never / go / to see an opera. He / write / ten novels. (write wrote written) He / not / write / any novels. My dad / dance / for 20 years. (dance danced danced) My dad / not / dance / for a long time. **The answers are on the next slide.**
Exercise(A): Answers I have heard it before. I have not(haven’t) heard it before. They have gone to see an opera. They have never gone to see an opera. He has written 10 novels. He has not(hasn’t) written any novels. My dad has danced for 20 years. My dad has not (hasn’t) danced for a long time. **ask the students to read the sentences out loud.**
Questions in present perfect tense: Have...pp.......? Has...pp....? Ex: Have you seen a shark? (看過) Has your father driven a tank? (駕駛過) (坦克車)
Exercise(B): Make questions you / listen to / this band / ?( listen + ed ) they / be to / Iceland /? (be was/were been) he / change / his mind/? (change + d) the wind / blow away / the ball / ? (blow blew blown) she / go shopping / ? (go went gone) you / compose / any music / ? (compose + d) 7. the dancer / shake her body / ? (shake shook shaken) **the answers are on the next slide**
Exercise(B): Answers Have you listened to this band? Have they been to Iceland? Has he changed his mind? Has the wind blown away the ball? Has she gone shopping? Have you composed any music? Has the dancer shaken her body? **Ask the students to read the sentences out loud.**
式的疑問句中 – 表示強調) have + ever pp ever 曾、曾經 (用於現在完成 We can ask: Have you jumped into a river? To stress(強調) the question, we can also ask: Have you ever jumped into a river?
Exercise(C): Make questions you / ever / play the piano / ? (play + ed) you / ever / dance to this music / ? you / ever / be to / a concert / ? (been) Lisa / hear / the saxophone / ? (heard) your grandpa / ever / sing / a hip-hop song / ? (sing sang sung) 6. he / play the guitar / before / ? 7. they / sing / pop songs / recently(最近)/ ? **the answers are on the next slide**
Have you ever played the piano? Have you ever danced to this music? Have you ever been to a concert? Has Lisa heard the saxophone? Has your grandpa ever sung a hip-hop song? Has he played the guitar before? Have they sung pop songs recently? **ask the students to read the sentences out loud**
Q & A in present perfect tense Have you (ever) been here before? Yes, I have. (short answer 簡答) No, I haven’t. Yes, I have been here before. No, I have never been here before. No, I have not (haven’t) been here before.
2. Has he (ever) hidden money in a sock? Yes, he has. (short answer 簡答) No, he has not. No, he hasn’t. Yes, he has hidden money in a sock. No, he has never hidden money in a sock. No, he has not(hasn’t) hidden money in a sock.
Exercise(C):Short answers Have you ever listened to a mockingbird? Has the lead singer played the violin? Has your father ever been on a tanker? Have they bought anything in Sogo? Has the dog run out of the house? Answer both “Yes” and “No” to the above questions in short form. **The answers are on the next slide**
Yes, I have. No, I haven’t (have not). Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t (has not). Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t (has not). Yes, they have. No, they haven’t (have not). Yes, it has. Not, it hasn’t (has not). **read the short answers out loud**
Exercise(D): complete answers Has your brother ever seen an eagle? Has the artist drawn(畫) Eiffel Tower? Have your grandparents ever been to Africa?(add “never” in the negative answer) 4. Have you flown(飛) an airplane? (add “never” in the negative answer ) Have you and your friend ever caught (抓到) birds? Answer both “Yes” and “No” to the above questions in complete form.
Yes, he has seen an eagle. No, he hasn’t seen an eagle. Yes, he/she has drawn Elffel Tower. No, he/she hasn’t drawn Elffel Tower. Yes, they have been to Africa. No, they have never been to Africa. 4. Yes, I have flown an airplane. No, I have never flown an airplane. Yes, we have caught birds. No, we haven’t caught birds.
Generally(一般而言), we only use “ever” in a question Generally(一般而言), we only use “ever” in a question. However(然而), there is one exception(例外). That is in the sentences which talk about the only time. This is the only time That is the only time a person + has ever It’s the only time people + have ever This is the first time That is the first time
Ex: This is the first time she has ever played the piano. This is the first time my teacher has ever worn a red dress. It’s the only time I have ever ridden a hot air balloon. (ride rode ridden) That’s the first time my friends have ever dove into the sea. (dive dove dove)
Exercise (E): Translate the Chinese into English 我已經做完功課了。 我叔叔已經買了一部新車。(buy bought bought) 3. 他們曾經到過墨西哥嗎?(加入ever) 4. 她沒有吹過(played)長笛。 5. 這是我唯一的一次吃蟲子。 6. 那是我哥哥第一次彈吉他。 **The answers are on the next slide**
I have finished my homework. My uncle has bought a new car. Have they ever been to Mexico? She has not played the flute. (She has never played the flute.) This is the only time I have ever eaten bugs. That is the first time my brother has ever played the guitar.