Austria meeting A day by day journal ...
Monday: “Host School presentation” “On Monday morning we went to the school on Wolfsberg, where they explained some things to us. After that we did some presentations and started the first workshop. We were divided into groups where there could only be one person from each country, and we had to build something that would prevent an egg from breaking when it was dropped”.
“After lunch, we started the second workshop of the day, in which we had to create a crossword about the history of the education of the other countries of the project using a computer program”. “When we finished the workshop they gave us an hour of free time, so that we could relate among countries, and around five in the afternoon we returned to the hotel and had the rest of the day free to do what we wanted”.
Tuesday: “Knusperstube”
What is it required there? Knusper Tube is a bakery we went on Wolfsberg, Austria. They should be hard-working and able to operate the machines. The company started in 1950 and with the current name in 1979. Workers should be fully trained, but specific studies are not required, except for the bakery. The staff is formed by 90 people, working in shifts from 8.30 am to 21.00 pm. The workers should speak German. English is not so important. The working schedule is 6 days a week, 6 hours and a half every Reliability, being on time, be ready to occupy an absent worker position. shift.
Who works there ? 50% are foreign, mostly Slovenian workers, also there may be Romanian. The company offers previous training to work, so you might learn how to use the machines at the same time you are having the practise.
Wednesday: “Pyramidenkogel” “On Wednesday we went on a trip to the Pyramidenkogel, which is a very tall tower on top of a hill with beautiful views of Wörthersee lake”. “The tower also had a slide. We spent some time there on the top taking pictures and enjoying the view. Some of us also went down the slide. After visiting Pyramidenkogel we had lunch”.
“When we had eaten we went to Klagenfurt, where we had a guided tour “When we had eaten we went to Klagenfurt, where we had a guided tour. We learnt some of the history of Klagenfurt and its myths and curiosities”. “Once we had finished the tour, we had spare time to go shopping at the shopping centre and visit the surrounding streets. Then we came back to the hotel and had the rest of the day free”.
Thursday: “Visiting the Mayor” “By the time we arrived at school, our third workshop had been prepared for us. All the students visited every single corner of the school, which included a factory simulator and a room provided with hi-tech supplies”. “After taking part in some amusing activities like building objects with coloured liquid silicone, we were ready to go to our next stop: the Town Hall”.
“Once we arrived at the Town Hall, the Mayor’s assistant received us “Once we arrived at the Town Hall, the Mayor’s assistant received us. We were located in a big room where a speech was given beyond delighting the Mayor with presents and kindness. We had lunch there”. “After lunch, we toured around the church and acquired some knowledge about the village’s history”.
Friday: “The farewell party” “It was our last day, so how about celebrating it as if it was the best day ever ? With that idea on mind, we did the last workshop at school which consisted in hand making frisbees and shoehorns”. “Later, we went to Graz and spent some quality time visiting the city. After two hours, we were brought to the hotel”.
“That night was going to be special in order to make this meeting a memorable experience”. “At dinner, the tables were decorated with beautiful candles but unfortnately the candle wax was spilled over the tablecloth making a mess. But it was part of the party I guess ...”. “We danced, talked ... the atmosphere was full of laughter, joy and enthusiasm”. “The next day we said goodbye to all the students and promised ourselves that we would keep in touch no matter the distance between us”.
A special thanks to: The high school and the management team for the financial responsibility. The teachers for making this opportunity possible. The incredible classmates because this meeting wouldn’t have been the same without their company. The Erasmus group for sharing this wonderful experience with us.
Power Point made by: Guiomar García Hernández 1ºF Luis Arencibia León 1ºE Nuria Santana Robles 1ºE Music by: Passionfruit - Drake