THE LAUNCH OF THE BRAZILIAN INPE/UFSM'S CUBESAT SOUTHERN REGIONAL SPACE RESEARCH CENTER CRS/INPE – MCT SPACE SCIENCE LABORATORY OF SANTA MARIA LACESM/CT - UFSM THE LAUNCH OF THE BRAZILIAN INPE/UFSM'S CUBESAT THE NANOSATC-BR SPACE WEATHER MISSION EDUARDO ESCOBAR BÜRGER 1, Nelson Jorge Schuch 1, Otavio Santos Cupertino Durão 2, Lucas Lopes Costa 1 , Rubens Zolar Gehlen Bohrer 1, Luis Fernando Nicolini 1, Lucas Antunes Tambara 1. 1. Southern Regional Space Research Center – CRS/INPE – MCT, in collaboration with Space Science Laboratory of Santa Maria – LACESM/CT – UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. 2. National Institute for Space Research – CPA/INPE – MCT, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil. 3. National Institute for Space Research – DMC/INPE – MCT, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil. UN/Austria/ESA - "Small satellite programmes for sustainable development” Symposium 2009 8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA 1
8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA SOUTHERN REGIONAL SPACE RESEARCH CENTER CRS/INPE – MCT SPACE SCIENCE LABORATORY OF SANTA MARIA LACESM/CT - UFSM FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF SANTA MARIA TECHNOLOGY CENTER – CT/UFSM Panoramic view of the main building at Santa Maria, RS – Brazil UN/Austria/ESA - "Small satellite programmes for sustainable development” Symposium 2009 8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA 2
8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA SOUTHERN REGIONAL SPACE RESEARCH CENTER CRS/INPE – MCT SPACE SCIENCE LABORATORY OF SANTA MARIA LACESM/CT - UFSM SOUTHERN REGIONAL SPACE RESEARCH CENTER CRS/INPE – MCT Panoramic view of the main building at Santa Maria, RS – Brazil UN/Austria/ESA - "Small satellite programmes for sustainable development” Symposium 2009 8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA 3
SMALL SATELLITES - CUBESATS SOUTHERN REGIONAL SPACE RESEARCH CENTER CRS/INPE – MCT SPACE SCIENCE LABORATORY OF SANTA MARIA LACESM/CT - UFSM SMALL SATELLITES - CUBESATS Put into practice lessons learnt in class, providing experience during undergraduation; Although launch prices have risen, it still forms the most cost-effective independent means of getting a payload into orbit; Small satellites are ideal for testing new technologies in eletronics, mechanical and thermal areas. ---Projects relationed by miniaturized satellites are increasing as important educational tools, showing that academic satelittes are great oportunities for students to practice their knoledge learnt in class, providing experience during undergraduation. ---Another reason to miniaturize satellites is reduce the costs.Although launch prices have risen quite substantially across the board of launch providers, a CubeSat still forms the most cost-effective independent means of getting a payload into orbit ---The activities in miniaturized satellites development are constantly increasing along with progress in areas like eletronics, mechanical and thermal by searching new and advanced technologies, as they need to be tested and small satellites are ideal for achieving these aims. UN/Austria/ESA - "Small satellite programmes for sustainable development” Symposium 2009 8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA 4
8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA SOUTHERN REGIONAL SPACE RESEARCH CENTER CRS/INPE – MCT SPACE SCIENCE LABORATORY OF SANTA MARIA LACESM/CT - UFSM NANOSATC-BR The first Brazilian CubeSat is developed by undergraduate students in Brazil. Weighs about 1kg and with 10cm side length. It is a cooperation between CRS - INPE/MCT with LACESM/CT – UFSM, in Santa Maria, RS, South of Brazil. This is to be like a development team within industry Cubesat is a cube-shaped picosatellite used for space research, weighing about one Kilogram and with 10cm side length. This technology is very common to be used by academic groups, by its simplicity and low cost. Beginning in 1999, the California Polytechnic State University (CalPoly) and the Stanford University developed CubeSat specifications to help universities worldwide to perform space science and exploration by using that class of satllites. The human resources objective is to involve project groups to develop the NanosatC-BR across different Engineering and Science departments of the University. NANOSATC-BR CubeSat. From: Rubens Zolar Gehlen Bohrer UN/Austria/ESA - "Small satellite programmes for sustainable development” Symposium 2009 8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA 5
THE MISSION OF THE NANOSATC-BR – SPACE WEATHER SOUTHERN REGIONAL SPACE RESEARCH CENTER CRS/INPE – MCT SPACE SCIENCE LABORATORY OF SANTA MARIA LACESM/CT - UFSM THE MISSION OF THE NANOSATC-BR – SPACE WEATHER The mission consists on monitoring in real time the magnetosphere with a particle precipitation chip dosimeter, and a low power three-axis magnetometer as payload . Subsystems have been studied and adapted by INPE and UFSM staff with the participation of undergraduate students, national and international researchers . The human resources objective is to involve project groups to develop the NANOSATC-BR across different Engineering and Science departments of the University. Promotion of national and international cooperation, beyond the technical aspects of research and scientific interest of local, national and international. The mission consists on monitoring in real time the Geospace, the Earth’s magnetosphere by measuring the magnetic field over the Brazilian Territory especially at the Southern Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly – SAMA – and at the Ionospheric Equatorial Electrojet. It is a cooperation between CRS from the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research – INPE/MCT with the Federal University of Santa Maria – LACESM/CT – UFSM, in Santa Maria, RS, South of Brazil. Subsystems such as structure, thermal control, power supply, software for data handling and electronic control, onboard computer, TT&C, are under development by INPE’s and UFSM’s staff with the participation of undergraduate students. Ground operation at the CRS will have the technical supervision from INPE’s HQ Satellite Tracking Center. UN/Austria/ESA - "Small satellite programmes for sustainable development” Symposium 2009 8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA 6
SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVES: SOUTHERN REGIONAL SPACE RESEARCH CENTER CRS/INPE – MCT SPACE SCIENCE LABORATORY OF SANTA MARIA LACESM/CT - UFSM SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVES: To measure the magnetic field intensity over the region of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA). The South Atlantic Anomaly is the region where Earth's inner Van Allen radiation belt makes its closest approach to the planet's surface, this failure is of great significance to astronomical satellites and other spacecraft that orbit the Earth at several hundred kilometers altitude; these orbits take satellites through the anomaly periodically, exposing them to several minutes of strong radiation each time. The International Space Station, orbiting with an inclination of 51.6°, requires extra shielding to deal with this problem. The Hubble Space Telescope does not take observations while passing through the SAA. Geomagnetic Field From: UN/Austria/ESA - "Small satellite programmes for sustainable development” Symposium 2009 8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA 7
8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA SOUTHERN REGIONAL SPACE RESEARCH CENTER CRS/INPE – MCT SPACE SCIENCE LABORATORY OF SANTA MARIA LACESM/CT - UFSM to measure the magnetic field intensity over the Brazilian sector of the Ionosphere Equatorial Electrojet: The equatorial electrojet (EEJ) is a narrow ribbon of current flowing eastward in the day time equatorial region of the Earth's Ionosphere. The equatorial intensification of the magnetic field is due to the Equatorial Electrojet (EEJ). Equatorial Electro-Jet. From: http://info.geomag.-us/-equatorial_eletroje-t.html UN/Austria/ESA - "Small satellite programmes for sustainable development” Symposium 2009 8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA 8
8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA SOUTHERN REGIONAL SPACE RESEARCH CENTER CRS/INPE – MCT SPACE SCIENCE LABORATORY OF SANTA MARIA LACESM/CT - UFSM CUBESAT LAUNCH Launch opportunities in clusters of several cubes: ISIS, CalPoly, and UTIAS-SFL offer such services. The average cost per CubeSat launch is in the US$ 95,000.00 range. NanoSatC-BR is expected to be launched as secondary payload in the first quarter of 2011 probably with PSLV. Deployed from a mechanism called a Pico-Satellite Orbital Deployer (P-POD) Several companies and research institutes offer regular launch opportunities in clusters of several cubes: ISIS, CalPoly, and UTIAS-SFL offer such services. SIS - Innovative Solutions In Space is a young and dynamic company in the space industry. The company specializes in the miniaturization of satellite systems with a particular emphasis on the design and development of subsystems for micro- and nanosatellites. Located in the Netherlands in Delft, ISIS supports small satellite projects and missions with its services and products. The PSLV-C2 on the launch pad From: ISRO UN/Austria/ESA - "Small satellite programmes for sustainable development” Symposium 2009 8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA 9
POLAR SATELLITE LAUNCH VEHICLE SOUTHERN REGIONAL SPACE RESEARCH CENTER CRS/INPE – MCT SPACE SCIENCE LABORATORY OF SANTA MARIA LACESM/CT - UFSM POLAR SATELLITE LAUNCH VEHICLE PSLV will launch NANOSATC-BR due to the reputation, reliability and experience of ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation). 14 Successful launches in 16 years Recent Launch of 8 nano-satellites Use of P-POD P-POD Structure From: Nanosatellite Launch Service (NLS) Nanosatellite Launch Service (NLS) Shared launch opportunity Shared launch opportunity Other spacecraft developers are invited to join as Launch Partners in the NLS launches Small number of spacecraft Each spacecraft given a dedicated XPOD for optimal injection conditions Minimizes programmatic and technical risks to all spacecraft part P-POD: Poly- Picosatellite orbital Deployer they can all be launched and deployed using a common deployment system. CubeSats are typically launched and **** The P-POD protects the launch vehicle and other satellites from the Cubesats as well as providing a standard interface between the launch vehicle and the Cubesats. As deployment is accomplished through the use of a spring that slides the Cubesats out along four rails inside the P-POD, the interface between the P-POD and the Cubesats is relatively uncomplicated. Protects the launch vehicle and other satellites from the Cubesats Provides a standard interface between the launch vehicle and the Cubesats. Fourth Stage of PSLV From: UN/Austria/ESA - "Small satellite programmes for sustainable development” Symposium 2009 8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA 10
NANOSATC-BR SIGNAL RECEPTION IN THE GROUND STATION SOUTHERN REGIONAL SPACE RESEARCH CENTER CRS/INPE – MCT SPACE SCIENCE LABORATORY OF SANTA MARIA LACESM/CT - UFSM NANOSATC-BR SIGNAL RECEPTION IN THE GROUND STATION Satellite Tool Kit, often referred to by its initials STK , is software package from Analytical Graphics, Inc. that allows engineers and scientists to design and develop complex dynamic simulations of real-world problems. Originally created to solve problems involving Earth-orbiting satellites, it is now used in both the aerospace and defense communities. UN/Austria/ESA - "Small satellite programmes for sustainable development” Symposium 2009 8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA 11
8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA SOUTHERN REGIONAL SPACE RESEARCH CENTER CRS/INPE – MCT SPACE SCIENCE LABORATORY OF SANTA MARIA LACESM/CT - UFSM HUMAN RESOURCES Training of undergraduate students in their respective areas; Students should also get involved with activities of research in the areas of Space Science; The students are organized into two teams; Is expected that the NanosatC-BR Mission will contributes to improve technology and science capability into the institutions involved in the Small Satellite project; Is also expected an increase on the scientific research area related to the space weather phenomenology in general. Another major objective of the Mission NanosatC-BR is the Human Resource Capacity Building through the training of undergraduate students in their respective areas, mainly Engineering, Computer Sciences and Physics from the UFSM. It is the student’s task to participate in the development of the project including the search for and adaptation of equipments of various systems and subsystems on the platform and payload of the satellite. Therefore it is necessary to get background information about all contexts involving Space Technologies, engineering tools for project and Systems to develop Space missions. Students should also get involved with activities of research in the areas of Space Science, mainly those students responsible for the mission scientific objective and the nanosat Payload. The students are organized into two teams: a technical team to participate of the satellite design at subsystem level, and scientific one, to participate of the scientific aspects of the payload database definition, architecture and of the general objectives definition and formulation. It is expected that the NanosatC-BR Mission contributes to aggregate technology and science capability into the institutions involved in the nanosat project, improving their capability in technological and scientific areas such as Engineering, Space Technology and development of scientific space Instrumentation. Additionally, it is also expected an increase on the scientific research area related to the space weather phenomenology in general, and on global aspects of space region over Brazil. UN/Austria/ESA - "Small satellite programmes for sustainable development“ Symposium 2009 8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA 12
8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA SOUTHERN REGIONAL SPACE RESEARCH CENTER CRS/INPE – MCT SPACE SCIENCE LABORATORY OF SANTA MARIA LACESM/CT - UFSM CONCLUSIONS: The development of the Brazilian NanosatC-BR is feasible and will be the first Cubesat of the Country involving human capacity building of undergraduate students in a real space project. The nanosat launching is planned for the second half of 2010. However the mission depends on the success of the Brazilian bureaucracy bidding processes, which is complex and may delay the Mission schedule. The mission will contribute to a better understanding of the Earth’s magnetosphere processes and phenomena such as the Southern Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly – SAMA – and the Ionospheric Equatorial Electrojet. The existence of small satellites enables space systems architectures to address problems that were either technically impossible or too expensive to tackle before. Traditionally satellites have been built and deployed through long development cycles as individual nodes that provide stand-alone capability for their military, scientific or commercial users. In contrast, small satellites are increasingly being viewed as elements enabling new mission capabilities through constellations or through rapid development/deployment cycles. Once tagged with the reputation of being unobtainable and promising capabilities in conflict with the laws of physics or business, small satellites are increasingly being proposed as enablers of these new systems. UN/Austria/ESA - "Small satellite programmes for sustainable development” Symposium 2009 8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA 13
Obrigado Danke Eduardo Escobar Bürger SOUTHERN REGIONAL SPACE RESEARCH CENTER CRS/INPE – MCT SPACE SCIENCE LABORATORY OF SANTA MARIA LACESM/CT - UFSM Obrigado Danke Eduardo Escobar Bürger UN/Austria/ESA - "Small satellite programmes for sustainable development” Symposium 2009 8-11 September, 2009 – GRAZ - AUSTRIA 14